Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.2
I think I found an error.
It seems the intention was to give the Star of Heroes an 1 AOE armor destruction.
However, as coded, the Star of Heroes now has a 1 AOE damage attack AND a 1 AOE armor destruction. Further, the Magic Sceptre has also been given this ability. It's a simple numbering error: 172 = magic sceptre, 173 = star of heroes, and 174 = armor destruction.
As coded (first 3 entries under "Items"):
#selectitem "Star of Heroes"
#constlevel 0
#selectweapon 172
#secondaryeffectalways 173
#selectweapon 173
#aoe 1
EDIT: also need to remove original secondary effect
I think it's supposed to be:
#selectitem "Star of Heroes"
#constlevel 0
#selectweapon 173
#secondaryeffect 0
#selectweapon 173
#secondaryeffectalways 174
#selectweapon 174
#aoe 1