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I am not sure what caused this on my workhorse HP. It has a BFG Asylum GeForce 5700 Ultra video card and without warning the screen just filled with distortion. Little specs, and dots. Since I have a screen capture of it I know its not a monitor issue and I haven't updated the Nivdia drivers since December. I think it might be the video card itself, or
perhaps the MB might be dying. I have noticed that if I unplug the PC it looses time on the internal clock. It might be a heat issue too. I checked the internals, they are pretty clean and free from dust. I will be uninstalling the GeForce card and go back to the MB video card in order to use the PC. If that doesn't fix the problem then I will know its a bad MB. I have my new PC now, but it likes to crash to BSOD without warning... and reboot. Something to do with how the video card works with the core duo process.
Any ways if any one has a suggestion please post. I have contacted BFG support about the problem. The card came with a life time warranty but we all know how those work.