August 17th, 2008, 03:06 PM
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Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Originally Posted by Jazzepi
Unless a game specifies otherwise, NAPs are just pieces of paper. Obeying them is up to your integrity. Breaking them can make it harder to make deals in the future, etc. etc.
The general terms of NAPs are that they come with a three turn warning before either side can attack. So that if you tell someone "I'm cancelling our 3 turn NAP" on turn 37, you can't give attack orders until turn 40. Some people will play wishy washy with this, and try to squeeze, or remove, an extra turn from it by sending notification at odd times.
Also, most NAPs are put into place indefinitely. That is, the NAPs are permanently there unless one side breaks it. There are variations where people will sign an NAP for 10 turns, that has a 3 turn warning, but expires unless renewed after the ten turns. It's really up to both parties to decide on what sort of terms.
That's pretty much it. Most players use the forum's PM system to communicate for games. Make sure to indicate what game you're in, as some people are in multiples. There are a minority of players who never look at their PMs, and you'll have to use the in game system to contact them.
If you're going to do trading, some people will only sell you items for a markup, and others will trade you a 5 gem item for 5 gems that they need. It really just depends. If they have dwarven hammers, or some sort of forge bonus, they'll make a profit off the even trade. Otherwise they're just looking to get different gems.
Geez! All this blah blah and you left out the part where it's customary to send me all excess gold and gems at the end of your turn. 