SA-6 movement rate
Playing a game with some SA-6's and they only move at 6 points per two minute turn. Figuring that this is low, I googled and found data that the SA-6 has a road speed of 44km/hr and about 25km/hr cross country. I am not sure how speed is represented in the game, but by doing strict math I come up with:
44km/hr = 44000meters/50(50m per hex)/60(minutes)*2(game turn)= 29 hexes per turn, and off road:
25km/hr = 25000m/50/60*2=16 hexes per turn.
Now like I said this is just doing strict meter conversion into the game; maybe movement is halved first or something in the game. Either way, that 6 movement points is only 3 hexes cross country in game play in two minutes. I find moving at less then a walking pace (150m in 2 minutes) is a bit slow.
So can someone confirm my math or explain how movement points are derived at?