Re: Jotunheim MA Guide
They're much tougher in Werewolf form. Won't rack up as many afflictions.
I'm not quite sure how their shape changing works. I've seen caster Skratti get killed in giant form, change to werewolf then die immediately after, which doesn't seem right if they got full hp when they changed. I've never seen a werewolf get killed and switch to wolf.
Nor am I sure what happens if they survive the fight after switching to werewolf due to being "killed". They may wind up in wolf form, losing all but misc items. That is what happens if you order them to change shape.
Edit: Ah well, that explains that. Though I swear I've seen the Werewolf form appear.
They'd benefit from W9, but not enough to justify the cost IMO.
With E9, Shroud, Frost Brand, luck & a shield they can take essentially any AI hordes.
In MP, they need to boost MR & resistances. More quickness won't help as much.
Last edited by thejeff; November 19th, 2008 at 04:27 PM..