Originally Posted by JimMorrison
This is really an excellent resource! Always knew Pans were pricey for Blood, but wow, poor Pangaea.
It's funny, with Lanka, I always use Kala-Mukhas for my hunters, as there are so many uses for the 75% that don't get their Blood pick.
Yeah Pangaea got it pretty bad when you consider that even the independent scout has better blood slave/upkeep cost ratio

I didn't quite understand what you meant with the term Blood pick and why Kala-mukhas would be better? I would assume Raktapata is the natural blood hunter choice for Lanka since they get the most out of the SDR and have the best slave/upkeep ratio.
And to add some more data, here's the list for the most slaves captured in a single turn by the test groups.
Results for 0-lvl hunters
1 x 0-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 13
2 x 0-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 9
3 x 0-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 16
1 x 0-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 9
2 x 0-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 9
3 x 0-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 20
Results for 1-lvl hunters
1 x 1-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 10
2 x 1-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 18
3 x 1-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 24
1 x 1-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 17
2 x 1-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 21
3 x 1-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 39
Results for 2-lvl hunters
1 x 2-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 15
2 x 2-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 24
3 x 2-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 29
1 x 2-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 15
2 x 2-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 24
3 x 2-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 36
Results for 3-lvl hunters
1 x 3-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 17
2 x 3-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 29
3 x 3-lvl - Most slaves found in single turn: 31
1 x 3-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 13
2 x 3-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 32
3 x 3-lvl w rod - Most slaves found in single turn: 37
Unfortunately I cant attach the open office calc document where all the raw data and results are but if somebody wants it they can throw me a message and i can email it to you