Originally Posted by Endoperez
Originally Posted by llamabeast
Just play CBM! Why would you not want to?
That said, there's no reason not to use the SCALES portion, and the PRETENDERS portion is pretty awesome too. You don't have to change the spells if you don't want to, you can download the mod in separate parts.
Right on. CB Gods is quite nice.
Also, some of the things that I've read about changes to gem costs or number of effects for summons might incline me to try the spells portion someday as well. But, that's a portion where it would be nice to have manual or spell reference guide in the spirit of the Dom 3 manual (assuming there isn't already one out there).
However, I am certainly not going to criticize Baalz for not doing a vanilla-oriented guide. It just leaves room for someone else to write one. Your guides make interesting (and, often, thought-provoking) reading, Baalz - even for some of us who prefer to explore and formulate our own strats from scratch.