Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Hell NO! That did not just happen again.
A little insight up to turn 5, I don't care about disclosing my affairs.
Turn 2.
My awe, ethereal, high HP, extremly high protection pretender dies to a hand full of cavalry.
The very first strike makes a critical hit of 25 damage, even with my awe and high defense and eternalness and gives him a chest would of +5enc. Next round of fighting my pretender misses even with his high attack life drain weapon. Next round he misses again and by this time his enc is over 20, lowering his defense a lot. Than come 3 hits in a row, even besides my awe and eternalness and very high protection and take what's left of his HP. Pretender killed by 10 cavalry, 5 were horse brothers.
Still turn two, unrest event in my capital.
Turn 3.
Unrest even in the one province I captured. Lack of money prevents me from buying a mage or priest to bring back my pretender or buy any real troops, so I buy Bulerk City guard.
Turn 4.
Unrest in my capital again. Again, only one province captured, Bulek City guard died to 5 horse brother which killed the commander with a single arrow. Still lack of money for troops or priest to bring back pretender.
Turn 5.
Unrest in my capital , AGAIN, and also in my highest income province besides my capital.
Can't wait what to see what turn 6 brings. Wouldn't be surprised if Kurgi attacked me right about now.