Data entry for Grizzly(APC)
I was noticing the data for the Grizzly 6 wheeled APC and noticed something that is incorrect (for WinSPMBT v 4.5).
The calibers of the guns are correct one 50. cal MG and one GPMG 7.62 mm. The problem lays in its function. Having served in the Canadian military when the Grizzly was in use I have first hand experience.
Both guns are able to perform in the AA mode as well hence the large AA site on the outside of the vehicle. If the electrical system was damaged the gunner had use of two fast turning hand cranks for elevation and rotation.
There is also a depression override button so the guns could depress to a lower elevation in the event that enemy infantry would be attempting to place some sort of explosives on the vehicle.
We used to practice following fast air with our guns (no ammo of course) and it was easily done and lots of fun too.