May 6th, 2010, 05:22 PM
Second Lieutenant
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Re: company of heroes
Why 8%? Is it some real number of succubus seduction success rate?
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
jeff, there is no difference between charming/enslaving them in a fight, and seducing.
Sure, if you want to spend 5 guys at 8% = 6 turns turns per guy = 30 turns, and the slaves and gems for 29 succubi plus gear, yes, you can do it.
But any game you can afford to do that is a game you've already won and are just playing around.
Most of the time, there are only two of this crew that people care about - the archer (for his fire order) and bogarus.
These are the two that are easiest to charm in a fight - as they both come charging forward, and have high hitpoints. So they will naturally be targetted by charms etc.