November 18th, 2002, 03:00 AM
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Re: SE4 Modder Ver 1.76 (updated for ver 1.91)
Originally posted by Instar:
Could you expand the pic scrollers to beyond 900? I downloaded the official pic set, and it has more than 900 components. Maybe you could have it just go to the EOF. Also, could you possibly make a "no picture here" kind of thing for pic numbers that do not contain a pic?
Just tested this and here's how to get around it:
Double click on the image. This will open up a window of little pics you can pic from. It will also reset the maximum value of the slider bar. The 900 value looks like it was just a default that I neglected to reset untill after you double click the picture.
PS Good idea with the 'no image' thing. Just added it. Will be in next vesion. 
[ November 18, 2002, 01:13: Message edited by: DavidG ]