Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
I'd like confirmation regarding if the global NAP toward mighty Shinuyama is in fact global. I'd like to know which of the following it is:
1) There's a global NAP-3 with Shinuyama considering I replaced a player who has been absent multiple turns.
2) There's no NAP: It's been suggested but not implemented.
3) There's a NAP, but considering it's "As long as trades are fullfilled, everything goes" diplomacy, it really doesn't mean anything.
Considering one of my neighboor's action and positioning, I'd be extremely useful for me to know which of the three options it is ASAP. I'll deal as best as I can no matter which of the three options it is, but I'd really appreciate knowing which it is.