Re: Man: A Bless nation in CBM 1.92?
You would need a LOT of indy slingers to get anywhere against mictlan, especially assuming there's remotely competent archer decoying going on.
Originally Posted by BewareTheBarnacleGoose
Originally Posted by Nightfall
Those Couatl's that your relying on to bless by the way can and will be taken out by a decent player. Possibly before they get divine blessing off; you should be using priest kings.
Why do you say that coutal's are easier to take out than priest kings? Large size? But you can summon jade serpents (good hitpoints, so well suited to this purpose) or monster toads as decoys. Magic being? Opposition and Control are only range 20, and the coutals are hanging out in the back dropping buffs and evocations. Other than that, I don't see why they would be more vulnerable than priest kings.
Magic duel.
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