Originally Posted by Nightfall
Originally Posted by Shangrila00
Originally Posted by Nightfall
It's worth noting that of those only Vanheim has definitively better access to magic; with both wider and higher paths than Man.
What's with this ridiculous backpedaling? This is what you claimed before:
Since you have trouble comprehending English I'll highlight it for you.
So you were just making up your own nonsensical definition of "better magic"? All those nations have either more paths and equal levels, or the same number of paths at higher (thanks to better booster access) levels. Their paths also synergise better, but lets ignore that, and stick to your definition.
And you're still wrong, Mictlan and Bandar Log.
Only if your incredibly bad...
It will expand faster than Mictan, without any attrition, and you should only need 2 lord wardens from the capital before your second fort takes over... Less if your a little lucky and get an indy priest province.
Do learn to read, preferably without making up your own definitions. There will be indy priests in your cap circle pretty much guaranteed. That's not the problem. The problem is Knights of Avalon expand just as well as an equal resource value of high bless Wardens, and it's equal gold value too once you factor in the early temple and indy priests. Somewhat better actually, since Knights can handle crossbows and elephants better than Wardens.
why you don't expand any faster with high bless than without. Unlike Mictlan, resources limit how fast you can put out secondary expansion parties.
Originally Posted by Valerius
I think Torgon is right that your build depends on your tolerance for risk. Nothing is going to change the fact that you've got no native S/D/B access. Are you willing to take a risk that you'll find some indies to help you out or do you want to make sure your pretender can break you into those paths ASAP? Personally, I'd be willing roll the dice and go with an ENS pretender and see what happens.
That's not really the issue. Yes, having a pretender that can break you into S/D is great depending on your luck with indies. But it's just as important to have a storm stave in the mid-game so you can do battle magic without needing to use a super vulnerable and slow crone, or bust out flaming arrows to compliment your excellent archers or various other assorted battle magics that your national mages can't do by themselves.