Pz KVII 754(r)
I recently came across a PZ KVII 754(r) in a LC (the new sprite is awesome BTW). Although they're not common, I've encountered them a couple of times. The point is, though, that this last time (I think the first one in V14) it surprisingly fired a HE round against one of my T34s. I had to try several times to replicate it, as it mostly fires AP rounds. Somehow the code occasionally prefers HE over AP against armored vehicles, but I don't see why (warhead size?).
On the other hand, my opponent in a PBEM game found out that one of his Italian crews was unarmed and with a Rally value of 0. We had never seen anything like that before. Is that how it's supposed to be? We're playing Russia vs Italy 7/1942 full security.
I'm attaching the save files and some screenshots. Thanks in advance.
Last edited by RVPERTVS; October 19th, 2021 at 03:22 PM..