Originally Posted by Slobby
I was actually thinking death bless to, wasn't it Meglobob that did the f9d9 bless (or some variant thereof)? If I recall eagle warriors have 2 attacks so that's probably an affliction per eagle warrior! Pluck out their eyes and rip off their arms! lol
Not going to work as well as you think. Affliction chance is proportional to *damage* inflicted, relative to HP, and D9 doesn't change that. Eagle Warriors are not going to damage an Ahiman with high frequency, and when they do the Ahiman's high HP is going to mitigate the D9 bless. I'm not saying D9 won't do anything--he'll probably come out of the fight with assorted Limps and Chest Wounds, but it's way less than an affliction per eagle warrior. Call it 1 affliction per 10 eagle warriors expended, at a wild guess. Most of those afflictions will come via the Death Weapons effect, which Ahimans resist only about 90% of the time, and not through the regular old daggers.