
September 26th, 2008, 02:34 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
The only moment misfortune can kill you are first 10 turns. Talking about O3/Mi2 you can get some ugly unrest events. Like really ugly events that shouldn't exist at all - for example 60 unrest from one event [it is possible to get over 100 unrest in one turn, 2 events]. That can really screw you. But that is quite small risk compared to what you get for that points [and you can always join a new game, instead of slowly losing].

September 26th, 2008, 03:46 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Originally Posted by archaeolept
3 hard cap. Other events are either rituals, or having conquered someone else's province and stolen their event. ie, as Zeldor said.
Originally Posted by Amhazair
Originally Posted by Edratman
I am sure that 4 events is the max.
Nop, there definitely have been screenshots posted of 5, and I'm almost positive also of 6 random events in one turn. (With assurances from the poster that none of those provinces were newly conquered, and none were of an event type that could also be caused by remote spellcasting, two things that can confound the issue )
I also seem to remember getting 5 events on several occasions myself, but with the mysts of time and all that things do tend to get a bit foggy on occasion, so I won't swear to it.
Grmbl. I was just going to post the quotes and nothing else, but apparently you have to write something new, or the site won't accept your post.
Anyhow, I am completey certain there's no hard cap at 3 or 4 (and would be surprised if there was one at 5, though it is possible there is one. ) Anyone not wanting to believe it can feel free to search the forums, someone posted a screenshot + turnfile sometime, to prove the multiple random events weren't in a newly conquered province or the like. Or keep believing as they do of course...

September 26th, 2008, 03:48 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
well, please post some proof then, since you are so sure of it... 

September 26th, 2008, 03:56 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Originally Posted by Jazzepi
You're missing the point. The decision for me is binary, the reason I'm comparion those two scale choices is because they're the most efficient choices for that slot. Either you take O3/M2 or you take T3/L3. There's absolutely no reason to take something in between, unless you enjoy throwing away points for the anti-synery of Order and Luck, in which case you need to rethink your design because you've reached a point where you're wasting points.
That's a silly supposition. By the time you climb past 20 provinces you are often hitting the cap we're all discussing, even with scales that are not optimal event generators.
Also, Misf2 can be more painful for certain nations with exceptionally poor PD. I've seen 20-23 PD get spanked by barbarians a few times as monkey nations, or Nief for example. So what you are saying then, if the only viable combos are O3/Misf2 or T3/L3, and you find the Misf to be too painful with that nation, then you MUST go T3/L3 with those nations to be efficient and competitive.
Also worthy to note that while Misf is exceptionally painful for some, it's much less painful for those with cheap and accessible fortune tellers. The relative value of scales will be different for all nations, depending on what tools they are given. Therefore, it's a far too sweeping generalization to state that these 2 scales must be maxed, and must be maxed in opposition of eachother.
Just as an example also - the 3000g event is only possible through O3/L3, as well as I believe Oleg's Alchemical Machine, which gives a permanent 100g boost to a province.
So it takes you longer for that combination to spool up to maximum effect, but while it does, you are somewhat insulated from disruptive events, and when you are finally getting 3/turn, you are going to be seeing constant and consistent income boosts. Of course, you may argue that such scales are nearly impossible with an awake SC - to which I can only say, "So?". 

September 26th, 2008, 04:16 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
As I said, proof has been posted on this boards several times before. I don't feel the need to go searching for it again. As far as I'm concerned anyone who is dead set on believing there's a 3 event cap may continue to do so. I'm just being moderatly insistent for the benefit of newer player who might be reading this thread.

September 26th, 2008, 05:31 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Originally Posted by Jazzepi
Just as an example also - the 3000g event is only possible through O3/L3
If this is a recent change, then maybe. AFAIK the only requirement is Luck +3, and order has nothing to do with it. I've had this several times, and I never go with maxed out order and luck.

September 26th, 2008, 06:05 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Originally Posted by JimMorrison
Originally Posted by Jazzepi
Just as an example also - the 3000g event is only possible through O3/L3
If this is a recent change, then maybe. AFAIK the only requirement is Luck +3, and order has nothing to do with it. I've had this several times, and I never go with maxed out order and luck.
Odd, it was stated as such in another thread. After I learned of the scale restrictions on events, I started paying much closer attention. I can't say about previously, but since I learned that, I've only seen that event in a massive scales build, and otherwise the largest I ever seem to get is the 1500g event.

September 26th, 2008, 06:24 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
I'm not quite sure, but I think there are two different 3000g events, one restricted to O3, but the other unrestricted. (Or at least with other restrictions)

September 26th, 2008, 06:34 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
To JimMorrison:
>>or "some neutrals attack your province". Mid-> late game the second category type of events you can easily remedy with a modicum of PD if your PD is good, otherwise you can just dump 20 into a province and have basic immunity from those events in that province.<<
I'll just quote myself because I'm a giant elitist douche, and it's fun to pretend like you haven't actually read what I already wrote.
I think Bandar log has /exceptionally/ terrible PD. I mean, there was a huge thread with a guy on here who was convinced that Bandar log's inability to win was based solely on the awfulness of their PD alone. Now, he might have been a big jerk, but he was probably right about how bad the PD was.
Because of this Bandar log doesn't fall under the net I was trying to cast because they can't simply dump money into PD, and become immune to the majority of the invasion bad luck events. It's probably poor wording on my part. I'm tired, and now I have to go buy TEN POUNDS OF GROUND BEEF.
So in general, for most races in the game, your only choices are O3/M2 or T3/L3. In the same vein, I always start my scales off with Magic 1, and I rarely change that anymore. You'd have to find a good reason to make me waste a tick to get to M2, and I think Drain 2 is terrible unless you have a race that is resistant to it.
Oh, and JimMorrison, I will kill you with an ice pick.
PS. I think your contention that at 20 provinces you start hitting the 3 events a turn most of the time is incorrect, and makes you a poopyface.
Last edited by Jazzepi; September 26th, 2008 at 06:38 PM..

September 26th, 2008, 09:31 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
I never knew that you were so horrified by ground cow meat, that you could erupt into such a display of..... eruption!
Anyway, the wording of your quote was really weird, it makes it sound like you are saying "if your PD is good, *otherwise* you can just dump 20 into a province". I think you were trying to say if you get good PD, 20 will save you from almost any indie events. Which is probably true.
This is the quote that I was more trying to address though:
You're missing the point. The decision for me is binary, the reason I'm comparion those two scale choices is because they're the most efficient choices for that slot. Either you take O3/M2 or you take T3/L3. There's absolutely no reason to take something in between, unless you enjoy throwing away points for the anti-synery of Order and Luck, in which case you need to rethink your design because you've reached a point where you're wasting points.
Because taken together, you're basically stating that there are only 2 options worth ever taking at all. Therefore if poor PD makes O3/M2 unattractive, your only other option is T3/L3. So my first argument being that you only have to look at it that harshly if you are married to an awake SC, as they are expensive, so your points on scales must be carefully spent. But beyond that, I'm just saying that if you don't want Misf, you're not killing yourself by going L3, and you're not killing yourself by not going O3, either.
Im not sure that the comparison with M2 is really fair either (I think you are in a bit of a frenzy here, over this ground beef!). M1 gives a measurable and valuable benefit, M2 does not. Meanwhile, M2 does not even give much of any abstract or indirect benefit, whereas all gradations of the Order and Luck scales give you a quantifiable change in variables.
Granted, I would agree that it's unwise to have both Order and Luck scales left at even. One or the other should certainly be boosted at all times (and I'd still agree that usually it should be Order first), but I am pretty sure that if you can afford it, O3 or L3 with the other scale set even, can be a good way to go in some cases. I recently did a game with Caelum with 1T/3L, and it was chugging along great until my Virtue got a disease (that little ****  ) which brought the whole machine to its knees.
And I will see your icepick Jazzepi, and raise you a wooden spoon. O.O
Oh and beyond that, I think by 20 provinces, the T3/L3 build should get 3 events almost every single turn. Less maximized builds maybe don't peak until about 30 provinces. But when I take O3/L3 I get plenty of events, and even with O3/L- I seem to get quite a lot of events. Maybe this is something worth plugging into a test game..... Hmmmmm.
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