Well I sure got excited when I read SEV was the next project
I guess its old news to most forum Users, as I don't come here too often. But I felt like a 5 year old (I'm 51)when I read that interview in the Wargamer site. So I shot off an email to Malfador with some of my suggestions to include in the game. I suppose allot of folks have done that! I've done it for SEIV, Master of orion 3 and 2, Reach for the Stars 2, Pax Imperia, Imperium Galactica 1&2 and probably some I've forgotten about. But Malfador is the closest to come to the perfect moddable game sci-fi . So now I wait with baited breath for the next 2 years to see what it will look like! Sure hope it stays turn driven.Anybody have an idea of schedule? or a dedicated forum slot? Wish I was rich I'd make a large donation to Aaron to bribe him to incorporate a few things in the game!