Okay dokay, Here is a bit of news.
Bash final - Rex Rex and his Rex Empire VS the Primitive Hordes
Turn 98, Rex surrenders
Turn 50 to 98,
- The Hordes Northern raiders clear out two nice but only partially developed systems in the far NorthWest (Actually only capturing 1 planet and Rex abandons the rest)
- Another raider fleet in the West goes south and captures a planet. Spots a Rex fleet of 60+ and flees back to mommy.
- Rex’s fleet of 60+ goes North. All available Horde ships line up on the warppoint leading into the Home system (eastward). Rex is smart and chooses to continue North instead. Over the next 10 or so turns Rex glasses (or the Horde abandons) 20 odd planets in 3 very good systems. WPs and suicide raids by small fleets manage to grind away on Rex’s fleet until it becomes of a manageable size and a hastily assembled force can take out the rest. This whole incident did not sit well with the members of the Horde with most planets dropping to angry and indifferent. Luck was on my side however as the 3rd colonizing tech was just coming in and some emergency colonization (and the resettling of 2 of the glassed systems) soon made the Horde jubilant again.
- Turn 70 something, another of Rex fleets of 60-70 ships goes Northwards, this time in the East, but is blown out of the sky by the Hordes main fleet. While numbering fewer ships, the Horde had the tech advantage (BS with PPB’s VS BC’s with DUC’s) it ended in a great turkey shoot. For the first time since turn 3 the Horde found itself in first position.
- Meanwhile, a steady stream of Horde raider fleets attacks in the deep south. The terrain there is full of empty systems and it’s therefore very hard to put up warppoint defence. The first 3-4 fleets pushes Rex out of a few system (Rex is good with the Abandon button

) before they goes down to Minefields, WP’s or Rex’s fleets.
- Turn 90: Build-up is done and the steamroller starts rolling almost simultaneously on 5 fronts. The greater economy of the Horde (I got 50 % of the map secured, Rex 1/3rd and the rest is border/wasteland) has the fleets up to about 150 Battleships and 200 Dreads, most upgraded with Phased shields. Although Rex best ships now can match mine one-on-one, with the numbers on my side in almost all battles, it’s soon over.
- Turn 98, Rex surrenders.
Thanks to Rex for a magnificent game. This one was really close and could have gone either way. Rex went for huge early fleets, while I went for tech and infrastructure. Only the size of the map saved me from crumbling under his early attack. A smaller map and Rex would have been the winner (Thanxs Geo
