So I set up a wireless network at home, between the family PC and my laptop. Except I couldn't figure out how to set up Wireless Encryption Protocol on the network... anyone have any idea how to do that? I tried setting both the computers to connect with a WEP key, but then they can't see the network. I'm thinking there's something I have to set with my router and maybe it doesn't support WEP, but it did say on the box it supported some sort of encryption... I just don't want anyone driving by to be able to detect a network, suck up my Internet bandwidth and put incriminating files on my machine!
Should I have gone for one of the fancy $200 routers instead of the basic $70 kind?
Also, the router came with some firewall software and now when I launch SE4 it says it's trying to act as a server, do I want to allow or block it!
Is SE4 supposed to do that, or do I have a virus in my SE4 executable?