
March 10th, 2004, 11:49 PM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
These are the current rules and settings for the game.
And if someone breaks the rules don't get mad, it's usually just the memory that fails and a peaceful and quite reminder of the rules usually is all the is required.
Any opinions on these rules, voice them now before the game is started!
1. Ancients (4) cannot attack eachothers homesystem (or enter it) before turn 80 (Build, build , build).
2. No gifts or trades whatever.
3. Ancients cannot attack minor races before turn 120, only defend. Therefore, before turn 120 all ancients must offer and accept atleast non-agression treaty with all minors. Use your minors to kill off those who won't ally themselfs with you!
4. The ancients cannot have colonies outside their homesystem! The only exception is in other ancients homesystems (after turn 80) or the First ones system.
This means that the ancients are limited to 5 systems, for ever.
5. The ancients aren't allowed to hand down tech to minors. Only research points and resources through treaties.
1. Minor races may attack whomever they want to.
2. AI minor races may enter treaties with all other races, how they wish.
3. Disregarding rule 6, human played minor races may only have military alliance or partnership with one ancient race at a time, but whatever treaty they wish with how many minor races as they wish.
1. First race (1) may not attack anyone or leave their homesystem unless:
2. The first race is used for police actions in case of violation of the above rules.
3. First ones cannot have any treaties with anyone else.
1. Retroseries are allowed. (If you want to pay for it use it) .
2. Absolutely no e-mail diplomacy prior to in-game contact. You may mail each other on all other issues but not concerning in-game events and strategies prior to in-game contact.
3. Total turtelling is forbidden!
(You may shut down worm-holes and build system gravitational shields but there must always be atleast one way to enter a system. If it doesn't have any worm-holes it can't have a system gravitational shield.
This goes for individual systems aswell as your entire empire.
You may shutdown all wormholes into your empire, then you may build system gravitational shields in all systems but one!)
1. Breaking the rules may result in a warning, or being kicked from the game. Depending on the nature and severity of the transgression. Or an attack by the first ones on the ancients or a minor race (even one who hasn't broken the rules if it's associated with a rule-breaking ancient). Decided by the host.
2. When an empire becomes without player the host might go in and check that empire from time to time until a replacement is found, he will then see to it that the empire builds defences.
3. Missing four consecutive turns without notifying the host will get you kicked.
(Mail the host if you're going to be away a longer time)
4. We will try to run automated turns, so try to avoid asking for "Last player upload turns". So before asking for the game to be taken off automatic timed turns consider it thouroghly! ALPU is reserved for big events like marriage, childbirth and deaths in the family. The turn time might be increased in the future as turns become bigger and take more time to play.
5. The host has absolute power in hosting issues, questions might be put to a vote or decided upon by the host.
The win will be collective and equal for all in the winning team;
Winning is achieved by either one ancient forming partnership or military alliance with all remaining minor races, even if there is only one ancient left he must achieve this goal, atleast one minor race must be left at the game's end.
So who can win?
- One ancient race and it's minor races.
- One minor race or a team of minor races who are left standing when all else are extinct (All other ancients and minors).
This means that there might from 1-16 winners in this game (One ancient and all minors).
(If all ancients are destroyed the winner will be decided by the remaining players and the gamehost, in that case the game ends when the players think so.)
The First ones cannot win and is not counted as an ancient in above win conditions.
================================================== =
================================================== =
1, First one: In the center of teh galaxy, more racial points and better system than the ancients, no worm holes connecting to rest of galaxy.
2-5: 4 Ancients, 3000 racial points, great starting system with sphereworld as starting planet, ruins with all tech, 2 ringworlds, plenty of planets.
All adjusted to the players planet type and atmosphere.
6-20: 15 normal races, 0 racial points, normal start.
The galaxy is 255 systems with plenty of planets, normal amounts of wormholes. Middle-life sector from FQM, edited manually. Minimum 4 systems between players. Some long distance worm-holes to avoid closing-in of some empires. Some extra odd systems. Nothing game un-balancing.
The FQM mod is not needed by the players.
1.NORMAL SE IV GOLD patch 4 v 1.91 no Mods.
2. No tech trading, No tech gifts. No gifts or trading at all.
3. Low tech start.
4. High tech cost.
5. No surrendering.
6. Only own score is shown.
7. 0 Starting race points for minors, 3000 for ancients and 5000 for first ones.
8. Intel is disabled, set your cunning to 50%.
9. Max 100 mines/sector.
10. Max units 20000
11. Max Ships 8000
12. 1 Starting planets.
13. 48 Hours timed fully automatic turns. (If all players upload before then the game turn will be executed)
Eventually it might be moved to 72 hours if empires get large and turns takes more time.
14. Starting Resources 100000
15. Home planet Value: Good
16. Event Frequency: None
17. Auto-nag when 8 hours remind of turn time, auto-nag Last two player to upload. (I do not send mails manually telling you to "Hop to it"!! so don't complain to the host about being nagged!)
1. Always have a valid e-mail adress where the host can reach you.
2. Max/min of racial traits is allowed (if you want to do it you'll have to pay the prize by lowering something else) (RECOMMENDATION: Increase defence, offense and maintnance reduction)
3. Roleplaying is encouraged aswell as in-game stories. But not required!
4. The aim of this game is to have FUN.
5. When uploading your empire mark wich shipset you are using. No duplicate shipsets allowed. If you are using a stock shipset select "STOCK SHIPSET -XXXXXX" Where XXXXX is the shipset you are using, it must be the same as when you created your empire file.
6. It might not be me who hosts the game, if I have to go away for awhile I'll set up a guest host.
7. There might be more than one host at any given time, no host should participate in the game as something else as first one race.
[ March 10, 2004, 22:21: Message edited by: Ruatha ]

March 11th, 2004, 01:33 PM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
I am tempted, I am tempted... I just fear the moment when both NGC3 and NGC4 will arrive at the "more-than-2-hours-per-gameturn" stage and I would still be alive in both...
[ March 11, 2004, 11:33: Message edited by: Roanon ]

March 11th, 2004, 03:49 PM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
Well, then you can always go and visit the center of the galaxy.
There you'll find 5 quite hard opponents I'd guess.....

March 11th, 2004, 04:55 PM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
Just to play with the idea, I have designed a really nice race with 0 points. Not really good, but nice to play with... Guess I'll toss around the idea a few more hours, and if the Last slot isn't taken then, it will be taken then  .

March 13th, 2004, 09:09 AM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
Stardate 2400.0
The universe was bristling with life.
In the center the first ones peeked out upon the galaxy.
They had been the first to attain intelligence in the known space.
They had felt lonely..
After seeking the universe they had found four promising races that they had helped to achive intelligence, after that they had withdrawn into reclusion in th ecenter of the galaxy.
The four younger races had in time also grown boored of th evast empty space, so they in their turn set out and helped even younger races up to intelligent levels.
But something hade changed.
Neither the first ones or the four now ancient races had been expansionistic in their nature, they had preferred to live in their original system while exploring the vast emptiness of space.
But these new young races didn't settle for this, they wanted to expand and spread their way of life across the space.
The first ones saw with sadness upon this, this would eventually lead to conflicts.
After discussion with the ancient races it was agreed that the ancients would try to lead the younger races forward, guide them in the way of the univers.
Perhaps there was a way to avoid conflicts?
The four ancient races had always lived in peace with eachother, but the first ones could now start to sense dissentment and aVersion between them.
The ideas of how the younger races should be lead was different between the ancient races, would this lead even them into conflict?
The first ones was saddened and withdraw their ships back to their home system, not to be seen again.

March 13th, 2004, 12:43 PM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
Heh ya Ruatha,
Open slot already 

March 13th, 2004, 12:51 PM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
I think that is an ai to fill the slots. if somone wants to jump in and take over type of thing

March 13th, 2004, 01:21 PM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
Originally posted by se5a:
I think that is an ai to fill the slots. if somone wants to jump in and take over type of thing
Bang on target.
It was an empty slot as one player never uploaded an empire file and didn't respond to mails.
So I kicked her so that the game could start and put in a AI Replacement instead, and kicked that one immediatly.
So now there's an open slot with a grand empire, it's based on my usual 0 points empire so I hope it goes well for it (sentimental).

March 13th, 2004, 09:41 PM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
ummm... wow. if only I could start in systems like this every time. This will certainly be interesting....
Good thing I'm a God here
Edit: ROFL! Thanks for naming the plantes  That's a great touch there...
[ March 13, 2004, 19:45: Message edited by: oogs ]

March 13th, 2004, 10:43 PM
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Re: NeGoC5 - Stories
Originally posted by oogs:
ummm... wow. if only I could start in systems like this every time. This will certainly be interesting....
Good thing I'm a God here
Edit: ROFL! Thanks for naming the plantes That's a great touch there...
You said you wanted a giant tree!
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