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Old June 29th, 2004, 03:54 AM

Abdiel Abdiel is offline
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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

(newbie speaking). Why's the topic of this thread changed, yet it doesn't show up with a red pin?

And i'm looking forward to the next instalment!

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Old June 29th, 2004, 07:07 AM

Abdiel Abdiel is offline
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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

Here I go...

-Empire name: "Army of steel". "Steel" would be a facelift Hope you don't mind this really small detail.
-Similarly, "Barren realms elite", "Biomenac biomenace", "Blank" (?), "Comander88's Space Dock" should be "Commander88", "Common knowledge", "Crystal caves", "Dueling starships", "Empire of darkness", "Endless horror", Fates of twinion", "Fire and ice", "Global domination", "Governmental control", "Knights of xentar", "Machine nation", "Metal marines", "Selkis lii(?)", "Speices 8472" should be "Species", "Star crusaders", "Stardef star defence", "Stellar conquest", "Techno freak"?. WOW! You added a lot of nice names!
-I suppose you mean "Elerian Elevators from hell" the way it is?
-"Elvis-n-Space" supposed to be "in"? "The Maquis" supposed to be The Marquis? or not.
- Emperor Title: "Judex Surpreme" should be "Supreme", "Regeant" should be "Regent", "Superintendant" should be "Superintendent".
- WHEW, facelifts part over!
- Hmmm Culture Modifiers have been changed to a range of -20 to +40. Wow. But it's your choice
- Racial Traits: Efficiency freaks. "Freaks". Advanced Storage and Tiny both give you 130% but Tiny, according to the description (i don't read code =P), gives the same bonus. Perhaps tone Storage down to 120% or raise Tiny to 140%?
- Why are there 3 Moody's? typo under Suicidal: "loses" should be "losses". ROFL I love suicidal!
- Typo in Demeanor: "Sleezy" should be "Sleazy", "Venegful" should be "Vengeful".
- Game starts...
- Why is the reason for Basic Bridge? why does it come after the normal one?
- "We are reciving an automated message from this planet."
- "We have reason to belive there is alien technolegy on this planet."
- The "Burger King" description should have "engraved" instead of "ingraved".
- The description of the ship the size of an entire moon gets truncated at "imperial marki"...
- The description for the buried resupply base should read "bases" instead of "base".
- Space port costs 38kT? holy. Resupply, Space Yards, 12k and 20k? Oh goodness me.
- My Homeworld has 0% reproduction at Indifferent happiness. Something's not right... 12/16B at this stage.
- Advanced Power Conservation is quite cheap at 1000...
- Colo Tech at High Tech Level is still bugged. I get lvl 1 tech instead of 3 for homeworld type tech. Does the game allow this to be modded?
- Typo? "Multy-Pumped Quantum Engine I".
- Hey are you serious about the high level hulls having such incredible damage resistance? Combat won't finish in 30 rounds, by my guess... Haven't got around to testing that... And the hulls are way cheap!
- Small typo in Large Fighter Bay. "fighter" should be "fighters".
- Have you tested whether Research from ships gets back to the Empire without a Spaceport in that system?
- The Continuous Anti-Proton Beam states in its description +65% to hit, but isn't in the Abilities. Is it for real?
- "___ Laser Turret" has a typo "powerfull".
- "Kazar Beam Cannons" has typo "streems".
- "Negitive Ion beams"? Or "Negative"? same thing in description, so i don't know.
- PD missiles! WOW! Maybe could add some Rad cost.
- Hydrogen Bombs have higher levels?
- 1M reasearch points for Colo Tech Level 2.. high?

Gotta go!

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Old June 29th, 2004, 07:17 AM

The Frenchmen The Frenchmen is offline
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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

Ok, ExMod 1.07 is out with a few changes/fixes... 1.08 on the way =)

Queen Augustus fixed

race types?

oops, I forgot the history in 1.06 =/, its in 1.07

removed troop happiness modifiers

+2 movement was too much, but I didn't want to change it into only +1...its almost like taking something out of the mod =P, so I split it into two different race traits.

I spose 62 sats may be overkill, but think of it as compensation for a stupid AI...its a price to pay for playing hard... anyways, the AI is soooo easy, I thought it might add some spice =)

Fixed the 'materials' typo, it'll be in the next release (after 1.07)

Its true, a population of 4mill wont build very fast. You have to bring more people to the planet, this is done for 2 reasons... 1) you cant just get a bunch of colonies with 4mill people set up and producing in under 1year, and 2) you might think twice before glassing that enemy planet and capture it for yourself =)

going to change the rune tech placement in 1.08
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Old June 29th, 2004, 09:06 AM

The Frenchmen The Frenchmen is offline
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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

sorry, i started working on that Last post in the morning, went out, came back, and finnished it at 11:00pm =/ (i kept the window open and didn't refresh)

so this is a reply to your new post...

You can see fixs/changed at the ExMod History Page

The basic brige is for transports or colony ships, anything non-combat

1.08 is out! =)

got another list of things to fix? or ideas for components?

oh, and i added you to the modinfo file, hope you dont mind =P

[ June 29, 2004, 08:14: Message edited by: The Frenchmen ]
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Old June 29th, 2004, 09:45 AM

Abdiel Abdiel is offline
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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

LOL I'm flattered. Thanks

No, nothing yet Once a day is by far enough Perhaps later, if I can find enough time out of my revision. Test week, this.

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Old June 29th, 2004, 10:10 AM

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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

Hmmm. I got tempted.

-Error during Galaxy creation: Stellar Ability Types Data Files Errors: c:\...\space empires iv gold\exmod 1.08\data\stellarabilitytypes.txt
and in the box below: Could not find field "Ability 68 Chance" in record 1.
- But a galaxy did get created, don't know what difference it makes, though.
- You missed out some capitalizations in Empire Names.
- Add a +Space Combat stats kind of racial trait?
- Could all the names with special characters be removed/changed? On machines running different language packs simultaneously, as would people from all over the world, some names get garbled into undecipherable things.
- Space ports, Resupply Depots, and Space yards still have a prohibitive cost. I can't set up any colonies at any speed this way...
- I hope you tweaked the number of militia per population.... with Huge planets going up to 21B, troops are either going to be extremely powerful, or are going to become obsolete. You'd need way too many troop ships to even consider a war capturing colonies.

Okay. Time to resist the temptation to test. Wave

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Old June 30th, 2004, 12:05 AM

The Frenchmen The Frenchmen is offline
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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

Well, 1.09 is available for download

I'm not sure if you can add a +space combat stat racial trait =(

I could only find one or two missing caps in the names text files, feel free to tell me what i missed =)

Working the the diffrent charactors

The idea around the space ports is that their massive structures, and therefore take a long time to build if you don’t have millions and millions of people (350million and on emergency build it takes 6 turns...with out any race modifiers)

A huge planet with 21B people, I wouldn't try to take it over right away... I'd kill some pople off first then drop my troops. But smaller planets with less then 1billion people should fall rather easily. But remember, it takes a LONG time to get a planet with 21billion people, exept if its a homeworld or sompthing.
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Old June 30th, 2004, 07:28 AM

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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

Hmm my concern about space ports was that it made the game go too slow, way too slow. The stock game itself is slow enough already on a large map, and that's with me taking every single planet effortlessly.

And there's no way to transport some 340M people onto a colony, unless I lose a lot of engines. And well, personally, I hate slow games, slow ships... Oh yeah. So I'll take natural merchants, save myself a few years!

Kill some population first? But that'd also mean destroying a whole load of facilities, cargo, etc... then i might as well not take it over.. Perhaps a solution would be to make facilities Last longer by having a lower chance of being hit, or killing more population per damage point... I'm sure something can be done.


And no, haven't tested 1.09. Too tired today
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Old June 30th, 2004, 08:41 AM

The Frenchmen The Frenchmen is offline
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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

A transport with starting tech gets 330mill on it, the colony ship gets 34mill (with one cargo bay) thats 364million. After you turn emergency build on it takes 0.6years - not so bad if you ask me =P. The other way is natural merchants... no space port needed =)

Also, theres a neutron bomb that only kills population for that planet with 21billion =)
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Old June 30th, 2004, 11:29 AM

Abdiel Abdiel is offline
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Default Re: ExMod 1.09 has arived

Ahh yes. I thought of the transport soon after I posted But still that'd set my colonization and land grab far back, by half since a transport takes about as much time as a colonizer. Then again, everyone's set back as much... true. Good point =) Does your AI know to build transports to send population?

Oh yes. I didn't think of the neutron bomb. Eheheheheh. Now there's a thought. *evil laugh*

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