
July 6th, 2004, 08:00 AM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
The White Coalition has been created when Dei's Empire surrendered. All empires have been invited to join it at this period. Seems you have ignored the Messages I've send to you during the Last months.
Its purpose is to create a grouped force of empires capable of maintaining peace in the galaxy, and supporting each other if an enemy stands up against it.
former members are :
- Arteria
- Citizen Federation
- Constructs
- Cyber Collective
- Dog Warriors
- Flesh Eaters
- Royal Corporate
- Vorlons
new member this month :
- Thermolians
As you can see, all together, we have the objectives, and we have the power.

July 6th, 2004, 02:07 PM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
I was not speaking to you, King Bio. You have been one of the first to sign for the coalition (which was a very good thing) and to give your opinions to members about the Wendigo issue. Are you suffering from amnesia ?
I'm not threatening Eysk, I'm just warning him that his war projects about Flesh Eaters may cause him a LOT of problems. Now that he knows who allied to FE, he'll watch his tongue and keep quiet in the future. Eysk have not moved a finger to help Klingons in their war against Constructs for ages, so I'm quiet surprised of the suddent love affair between them...
In my opinion, deterrence is the best way to keep peace in this galaxy. As we say here "Let him who desires peace prepare for war."

July 6th, 2004, 02:24 PM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
Originally posted by trooper:
I was not speaking to you, King Bio. You have been one of the first to sign for the coalition (which was a very good thing) and to give your opinions to members about the Wendigo issue. Are you suffering from amnesia ?
Quite possibly! heh. Sorry! Got lost in all the message traffic...

July 6th, 2004, 07:03 PM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
The Flesh Eaters Hive, which reflects only our taste in food and not our inclinations, shall follow the lead of allies in responding to clear threats.
We are a small nation, and have no ambitions of expansion beyond our current sphere.
The Klingons are currently our partners, but remain at war with an ally, and did not join in the Great War. Our target remains only a single world within the Buber system, and if we attack we shall invade with overwhelming troops, and attempt to limit collateral damage as much as possible.
Additionally, we shall not attack until a request has been specifically made from our ally.

July 6th, 2004, 10:42 PM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
Personally I don't understand what the fuss is about these Klingons. They are ruled by an AI!!! A machine intelligence with no bio oversight. We of the Cyber collective are appalled that such an abomination is allowed to exsist. The liberation of the Klingon race should proceed.
The real unspoken question is:
Are you comfortable with Citizen Federation or Cyber Collective doing it and becoming even stronger? 
So many ugly women, so little beer.

July 7th, 2004, 01:06 AM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
Ah...sorry if I didnt reply to the "join the White Coalition" Messages - they must have slipped past me. More likely, I thought that it was a synonym for the Galactic Council, and just ingored them. Our bad.
In any case, our position remains the same: we don't see war as the best answer to the galaxy's immediate problems, and we don;t necessarily support threats against other non-White Coalition members. We feel it is better to work out issues in the Council through debate and resort to war as the Last resort. We're just not sure that there are issues at stake here that are worth a war breaking out again so soon after the Last big one.
Originally posted by trooper:
The White Coalition has been created when Dei's Empire surrendered. All empires have been invited to join it at this period. Seems you have ignored the Messages I've send to you during the Last months.
Its purpose is to create a grouped force of empires capable of maintaining peace in the galaxy, and supporting each other if an enemy stands up against it.
former members are :
- Arteria
- Citizen Federation
- Constructs
- Cyber Collective
- Dog Warriors
- Flesh Eaters
- Royal Corporate
- Vorlons
new member this month :
- Thermolians
As you can see, all together, we have the objectives, and we have the power.

July 7th, 2004, 08:14 PM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
Hive Queen of Flesh Eaters:
Glad to hear the good sense in your words, not the anger or hate. Your rational explanation makes the solution of the Klingon's problem a lot more simplier. We will contact Klingon ruler to work out the Buber VIII issue.
Sky Marechal Brunwik of Citizen Federation:
I will reply to your accusations in order they follow, Marechal.
I'm not threatening Eysk, I'm just warning him that his war projects about Flesh Eaters may cause him a LOT of problems.
Eysk has no interest to military preparations to war with any known race, including Flesh Eaters. We have a big sympathy towards Flesh Eaters because green color is my favourite one. And we still don't recommend them to invade Klingon's planets.
Now that he knows who allied to FE, he'll watch his tongue and keep quiet in the future
Where's no force in the galaxy which able to dictate us what to speak and when we are allowed to speak. We will speak because we can. So your orders, Marechal, are useless. Keep them for more sensible race. We won't bent our head under your pressure.
Eysk have not moved a finger to help Klingons in their war against Constructs for ages, so I'm quiet surprised of the suddent love affair between them...
It's so sad to hear this information! Proud and independent Klingons haven't told us about this war. That is probably because of the fact that it was not very successful for them.
Additionaly we have contacted Klingons right before the Electrum conflict. Each ship was too valued to send it to the opposite side of the galaxy. Although our relations with Klingons have no long history behind, our mutial sympathy and understanding grew up very quickly.
The White Coalition has been created when Dei's Empire surrendered. All empires have been invited to join it at this period. Seems you have ignored the Messages I've send to you during the Last months.
Such a message was sent during my 2 mounth vacation on the ice resorts of Lambadini, I guess. But my ministers haven't informed me about any proposals from Citizen Federation. Are you sure that you've proposed this to Eysk, Marechal?
And Last. I know about the artificial nature of Klingon's leader. But where's a nuance - this AI is the digitalized personality of Chanselor Chris. He died too early and had no successor. So his scientists copied him into the computer until the new chansellor will come to power.
Unfortunately, due to unavoidable bugs in a software, Chris has some problems with memory and decision making module, but be a bit more tolerant to him - it's not his fault.
Admiral Shekk
Eysk IG.

July 7th, 2004, 10:13 PM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
Well. All this affair seems clear now.
Anyway, Klingons'fate is sealed. Klingons citizens will integrate citizen federation, constructs, dogs warriors and flesh eaters empires.

July 8th, 2004, 01:03 AM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
What about playing the turn ? 

July 8th, 2004, 01:59 AM
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Re: Space Empires 101 - Galactic Council
I'll certainly run it as soon as we have all but TerranC's orders, since he said to go ahead and not wait for him...but I think putting the game on ALPU has allowed a few people to be a bit slower in getting their turns in...so...I've sent out a notice to all players and as soon as there are some more orders in I'll run it....we should get back on the fasttrack in a few days in any case, once people get back from vacations etc...
Originally posted by trooper:
What about playing the turn ?
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