Re: Fighters, mines, and troops
Windborne- This bottomline is that even if we tell the AI to produce 1000s of these, we cannot control (at least via the .txt files) how they "use" them. Some of the Ai races do create and use 1000s of mines/fighters now, just not in the fashion that a human would. Both the Earth Alliance and the Darlok (part of the TDM Modpack) research construction as their very first project. The Darlok focus on mines after that and the Earth Alliance focus on Fighters. If you look in the Construction_Vehicles file, you will see that we greatly increased the production of these units (like from the original "20" to now several thousand!).
As for troops, this was attempted back in December. Even if I tell the AI to produce 1000's of troops, it will rarely load them into a troop transport, even more rarely if ever put that loaded troop transport into a battle fleet, and almost never attack an enemy planet with said fleet containing the rare troop transport. Until the hard-coded portion of this AI behavior changes, the AI files that I create do not waste resources researching, building and most important "storing" troops that will never be used. I would rather them store mines, satellites and fighters which are used, while not as efficiently as humans, by the AI.
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
-General George S. Patton