Originally posted by Taqwus:
If by 'spinal mount' one means, generically, a massive gun that extends all through the vessel, then we might even have them now. I've heard the A-10 described as basically a flying, unusually large Gatling gun and seem to recall hearing that it's a VERY significant part of the fuselage...
basically yes.. the A-10 was designed around that gun, even though i dont think it extends through. but that is the rough definition of spinal mount anyway, a ship being designed for no other purpose than to move a gun. basically thats what mobile howitzers are, and what tank hunters (panzerschrek) were in WWII. in SE4 one should have a tonnage multiplier such that nothing much else could fit on the hull. of course, doing this for anything but baseships would require a complete rewrite of the AI ship building files...
...UNLESS: in the mount text (whatever its called) you list them such that the spinal mount for each weight class is BEFORE the best mount the ship can support, OR simply list them all at the start of the file. wow, spinal mount mod, here I come! now where was that WMG sound file?