
December 15th, 2000, 07:15 PM
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Re: Bombs on Troops???
If you are talking about Small Cluster Bombs, they are some of the best weapons to put on troops. They do far more damage than Ground Cannons, and they take up the same amount of space.
Hail Caesar!
L+ GdY $? Fr! C- SdS T!+ Sf+ Tcp A% M++ MpM R!- Pw+ Fq-- Nd-- RP+ G++

December 15th, 2000, 07:48 PM
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Re: Bombs on Troops???
So somehow these troops actually drop the bombs? Are the troops so abstracted that the little tank thingie could actually be representing "land/sea/air" troops? It just seemed weird to me that the troops could drop bombs...

December 15th, 2000, 11:39 PM
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Re: Bombs on Troops???
Think of troops as being a combined arms
force (which is exactly what they'd have
to be, if you think about it).

December 16th, 2000, 12:41 AM
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Re: Bombs on Troops???
You can also think of troops as heavy artillery that "shoot" the bombs rather than "drop" the bombs. Or it could just be a Marine with a really big grenade launcher. Or anti-tank weapon. Or even a mobile missile launcher, and the cluster bomb in that case would be a missile. Lots of options here... just use the imagination...
L++ Se+++ GdY $++ Fr C+++ Csc Sf Ai AuO M+ MpTM S Ss RRSHP+ Pw- Fq->Fq+ Nd+++ Rp G++ Mm++ Bb---

December 16th, 2000, 01:02 AM
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Re: Bombs on Troops???
I never use anything else besides cluster bombs on my troops. Takes most people out in the first turn of combat.

December 16th, 2000, 02:42 AM
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Bombs on Troops???
What's the point of having Bombs on troops? Do they actually do anything? It just seemed odd that you can put them on ground troops.

December 16th, 2000, 03:24 AM
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Re: Bombs on Troops???
That's evil... and possibly an unfair loophole in the components specs. The cluster bomb is a small "planetary napalm" designed solely for ground attack. On a ship or a fighter, there's a disadvantage to using it because you cannot attack other spacecraft with it. On a troop, there's nothing to attack BUT the ground. Troops cannot fire into space any more. Weapon platforms and defending troops in the cargo area of the planet, or the militia turned out by the population are all you can fight with. I think it would be appropriate to remove the "Troop" availability for that small weapon and make that only work for fighters and drones.

December 16th, 2000, 08:43 AM
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Re: Bombs on Troops???
I've been using it this way since the first demo. After I looked at all the possible weapons to use, clusters were the most efficient. I was saying to myself, why the heck would anyone use anything else?

December 16th, 2000, 08:14 PM
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Re: Bombs on Troops???
Cluster bombs as troop weapons ??
I tried that but it doesen´t seem to
work. How come?
Have i done something wrong?
Some templete suggestion for testing
purposes? Just curious.
BTW, has anybody figured out ground combat
a little ?? e.g. Have WPs any effect.
How combat effective is a militia.
Comparable troop design as example.
How does it function? Simultanious shots of
both sides, one after another(initiative?)

December 16th, 2000, 11:00 PM
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Re: Bombs on Troops???
Hm... as for the "sense" of it, I think of the little troopers as drop-pod troops (hence the reason you need to research them). The cluster bombs are just hitting the ground right before the landing craft touch down.
Oh, and I think the mechanics are pretty chancy, though I'm not sure. I kind of like that though - ground battles should be uncertain.
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