
January 15th, 2004, 06:09 PM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch
Will the devs confirm whether there has been an overall reduction of the number of events on the "common" events setting as part of the scale changes in the 2.06 patch?

January 16th, 2004, 07:52 AM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch
Originally posted by General Tacticus:
quote: Originally posted by Keir Maxwell:
Just ot repeat some things I said earlier as they seem out of keeping with much of the opinion being expressed and I'd like to know why.
1.Turmoil3/luck3 is not suicidial
I agree. Have you read my Mictlan AAR ? I am playing at Turmoil 3/ Luck 1, with Mictlan, and doing well, thank you.
Agreed also. Playing T'ien Chi S&A w/ Turmoil-1/Luck-3, turn 40 and worse that has happened is "Very ill omen...". There has been also a few cases of robbed witches and whatnots but my troops seem to have been agile enough to dodge those curses.
OTOH, I have received about *ten* mines (of silver and gold-varieties), couple of permanent tax-increases (was it 35gp?), about 1k gold and a s**tload of gems. There just seems to be goodies waiting to happen every turn.
Although my Divine Emperor might have something to do with it...
- Humer

January 16th, 2004, 03:32 PM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch

January 16th, 2004, 05:14 PM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch

January 16th, 2004, 06:11 PM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch
Originally posted by General Tacticus:
Turmoil 3 is for nations that are less gold-dependant.
IMHO all nations are extremely gold dependent, except _perhaps_ Ermor. There are always very effective things to spend gold on, such as mages or forts to increase your reseources. The only thing arguably more important than gold income is gem income.

January 17th, 2004, 11:04 PM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch
Here is some bits a bobs on luck from another post based on testing a T'ien Ch'i BK mod which has seen my use luck turmoil scales lot.
When I tried using a pretender other than the Lady of Fortune I got severly manhandled by luck - 1/5th pop emmigrated from capital t.9 1/5th from biggest other province 3 turns late, plague, trog all in the first 16 turns. I was also been attacked by two neighbours early (bad starting position) and had Kau Feng (PoD) feebleminded by a random arrow shot as he lurked in the back wearing rainbow armour. I decide to give up on this one when my prophet bought it even though militarily I was still putting up a fight and taking the war to the enemy - I just didn't have enough gold coming in and hadn't got a second castle even though I was using the wizard tower. The random events did not destroy me and there were good ones (total of 150gps in cash) but I end up with that feeling described by so many - I'm paying for maximum luck scales and I still get bad luck.
I went back to LoF and things went much better. I have never had a significant bad event in my capital using LoF and while this is probably just luck she has become my lucky taliesmen. In fact I think the only reason I have a far kinder view of luck than most is using the Lady of Fortune. Have I just been really lucky with her or does she have an ability to stop bad events in the province she is in?
As luck issues are making it hard to get a good take on this I'm going to start using a simple luck mod. Basically its Saber Cherries idea of +-13% luck/misfortune on quality of events with no other changes to scales. This means with luck3 you have a 89% chance of an event being good - I think it was 95% in dom1 so this is not that extreme compared to what many of us are used to playing with.
I noticed Humers comments on good luck using the Jade Emperor with interest. All my good experiance with luck is using the Lady of Fortune. I know there are characters out there who can prevent bad events - can these two. You read their description and you would think so but Kristoffer didn't mention it when he gave us details on their luck modding effects. Still you should not have to take one of these two to have a good time with Luck as Tuatha don't even get them.
If there is any desire for it I will post the +-13 luck mod. Its very easy to make. Seeing as there have been a number of problem with the mod tools I must sit down and run a mod which makes it impossible to get a bad event to make sure event modding is working.

January 18th, 2004, 04:43 AM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch
Changing misfortune percent seems to work. I tried #misfortune 20 to make sure and ran a 50 turn test with no bad events. Best event was 1500gps, 10 fire gems, and a magic item. With the misfortune percent high enough to guarantee any event was good you get a pretty good return at turmoil3.

January 25th, 2004, 05:42 PM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch
Originally posted by johan osterman:
...you should think that militias are a good event.
They are. Build a cheap leader to pick them up, take the Militias into your next large battle. Put them in front of your army, attack closest enemy. Let your Crossbows/Mages/whatever shoot into the melee.
Part of the opposition will get killed, others will get fatigued and you will win that battle easier/with fewer losses to your valuables. Also, you will have done some good, as befits a God, because the life of your Militias will have been meaningful, if short.

January 26th, 2004, 02:27 AM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch
Folks have started another topic regarding luck/order and have asked the devs to comment. They already have in this thread.
So...I am bumping this thread to the top so that the folks who haven't read it may do so before asking the devs for further comment.

February 8th, 2004, 04:55 AM
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Re: Luck/Order scales after 2.06 Patch
Question about the positive money random events.
Been doing some luck vs. order revenue testing.
Through 900+ province/turns (event frequency is proportional to # of provinces, correct?) of turmoil-1/luck3 ....
I've gotten the +500 gold event MANY times, but never the +1000 gold or +1500 gold events. Do the latter require that one not take turmoil?
I noticed that turmoil3 significantly increased the number of pop destroying events... is this true or just a sample artifact?
In other words, turmoil doesn't affect the distribution, just the frequency as I currently understand it. (subject to event domain local contraints)
Did this change in the patch?
Rabe the Revenue Researcher
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