Bane Lords are size 3 I think, and are pretty good out of the box. I have one as an undead army commander who wades in (though is so slow he often doesn't make it to the field) and I usually just give him a cheap pair of bracers. Though giving him a lighter suit of armor can help, because it allows him to move faster.
Boots of Quickness would be very good for him - it gives him an extra move per turn.
I'm rather fond of a giant four-armed clawed crossbreed which Quetzaquoatl brewed up, though he's not really a supercombattant yet - I hope he lives long enough for me to GoR him... grin. If he has four weapon slots... but I think his claws may be hard to hold weapons with.
My most powerful supercombattant is a Black Lord who has fought remarkably well in many, many battles equipped with flaming sword and charcoal shield. Eventually he was cursed by a casting of Doom, and finally acquired so many afflictions that I retired him to rear-area duty and gave his equipment to others until I got the Chalice, which I gave to him, and he's now down to a chest wound and is laying siege to Jotunheim. All battered veterans are sent to his host for recuperation. He only has one magic other magic item at present - the Summit. He should be able to take good care of any Grail Knights that show up:
Pons the Prophet of Chompur
Black Lord
Experience 4 (104 kills, 399 experience)
Iron Will + 9
Magic Items:
The Summit (1-hnd Dmg:26 Att:12 Def:6)
The Chalice (Regeneration, heals afflictions)
Black Lord equipment still in use:
Full Helmet
Black Plate of Ulm
Kite Shield
Resulting stats:
17 HP [46 in current dominion]
24 Protection
15 Strength [22 in current dominion]
19 Attack [31 with axe]
18 Defense [24 with equipment]
18 Resistance [22 in current dominion]
16 Morale [30 currently]
Of course, I'll soon give him some other magic equipment, at which point he'll be ready to finish off the rest of my opponents. This is at the point where I think I've pretty much won the game, and have a nice position to look at that emblemizes the many back-and-forth wars that led to it.
Perhaps a more remarkable hero in the same game is the unlikely Henric the Priest, who as a novice was cursed in his first battle, and was sent to the Deathmatch arena to try to take out the Ermorian challenger, to weaken Ermor, who was threatening to conquer the world with a multi-pronged underwater invasion. I had little hope he would win, but figured he might take out the Ermorian challenger with banishment. In fact he did, and he also won the entire tournament! He's the only character I've ever had win the tournament.
The tournament gave him a powerful melee weapon, which he can't/won't give away, so he's now a pseudo-super-combattant with priestly powers.
Henric the Champion Priest
Experience-3 (not on hall of fame yet)
Magic Items:
Champion's Trident (2-hnd Dmg:12 Att:3 Def:6 Two attacks per turn)
Black Steel Helmet
Black Steel Full Plate
Bracers of Protection
Pendant of Luck
Resulting stats:
9 HP
24 Protection
10 Strength
13 Attack [16 with trident]
13 Defense [16 with equipment]
13 Resistance
13 Morale [14 currently]
Of course there are better base units for super-combattants, but it's great to see other less likely units rise to become great heroes. Especially a priest like Henric turning into a trident-wielding battlefield scourge!