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Old July 18th, 2004, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: OT - your fav games

Morrowind I didnt like nearly as well as Daggerfall. I was very dissapointed and I still hope they do a Daggerfall 2.

NWN wasnt bad but it was a game engine with very little game attached. If you still have it you might want to check it out again now that there are ALOT of really good player done modules. Many of which stay up all the time on the creators machine running as a multiplayer game.
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Old July 18th, 2004, 11:39 PM
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Default Re: OT - your fav games

Originally posted by Gandalf Parker:
Morrowind I didnt like nearly as well as Daggerfall. I was very dissapointed
Why? People keep saying they disliked the game, but they decline to say *what* it is about the game they didn't like (besides the graphics load on a computer, which is a non-issue with today's Boards).
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Old July 19th, 2004, 12:00 AM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Default Re: OT - your fav games

Real time strategy:

"Total Annihilation"
although not a big a fan of this genre,this game is one of my all time Favorites,still playing it Online with some friends from time to time.

("Warlords Battlecry 2")
for SP,this game was great fun,because of the Hero system and the huge mass of playable races.Only RTS ever I played a lot in SP,MP wasnt that funny though,too unbalanced IMO.

Other strategy games:

All time Favorites(Dominions 2 may get there):

"Warlords 1,Warlords 2 deluxe"
played warlords 1 on Amiga,great fun and one of my first fantasy strategy games.
Warlords 2 deluxe,I do renember those great Hot Seat sessions with 2 friends of mine long time ago,everytime resulting in a 2 vs 1 game,naturally.Diplomacy was very important therefore(I give you my cake,if you ally with me...)

"Master of magic"
my all time favorite for SP.
Not much to say,time wise this could be the game I played the most in my life.I still have a working Version on my PC ...I only stopped playing it from time to time because of Dominions now

"Battle Isle 1 and 2"
I very much liked the game idea for Multiplayer,especially in 1(Splitscreen).

"Celtic Legends"
this is the(very old) game,where the developers of HoMM took the game idea from.

further games to mention:
MOO2,Fantasy General,Fantasy Empires,Warlords 3/Battle Isle 3(not as addictive as the first parts of the series IMO),Panzer General,AOW/AOW2/AOW:SM,HoMM 2/HoMM 3,Vikings:Fields of Conquest


"Wizardry 6:Bane of the Cosmic Forge"

Only RPG`s ever,I did play through.
I didnt use any hints/solutions,if I renember correctly.
Whereas Amberstar was quite easy to finish,Wizardry was really,really difficult,with lots of restarts involved
Both belong to my all time Favorites.

also to mention:
-Might&Magic 2(my first RPG game,C64)
-Dragon Wars
-Legend of Faerghail
-Dark Queen of Krynn
-Wizardry 7:Crusaders of Dark Savant
(still have a working Version installed together with my savegames...maybe I will finish it sometimes).

[ July 19, 2004, 00:11: Message edited by: Mardagg ]
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Old July 19th, 2004, 04:36 AM

djtool djtool is offline
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Default Re: OT - your fav games

I tried morrowwind myself...it didn't hold my interest.

another one I forgot to mention was alone in the dark. That's one of the only games (probably can count them on one hand) that i've finished multiple times. Like 13 or 14.
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Old July 19th, 2004, 05:09 AM
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Default Re: OT - your fav games

Originally posted by djtool:
[QB]I tried Morrowind myself...it didn't hold my interest./QB]
And again, I ask: why?

There are plenty of games I dislike, and games I like that have things I dislike about them. But if someone says they dislike or didn't care for something, without saying why, there's no basis for someone else to compare or judge.
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Old July 19th, 2004, 05:59 AM
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Default Re: OT - your fav games

RTS: Total Annihilation, no other RTS else comes close.

TBS: Conquered Kingdoms (by dearly departed QQP)-old school, lousy EGA graphics and ridiculous music, but great AI and a wonderfully balanced set of units.

FPS (single player): I'll pick 3: 1) Half Life - great story, groundbreaking technology for its time. Most FPS's today still don't match its single-player quality.
2) Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - much of the game was standard fare, but the Normandy beach level in particular is awesome.

FPS (Online): Half Life Team Fortress - Awesome team-based play with specialized classes. I was in a very strong clan competing in several leagues and this game sucked countless hours of my time.

RPG: I've been a fantasy RPG player back from the Temple of Apshai days on my C-64, but I'll say Knights of the Old Republic is the best RPG I've ever played.

4X: MOO2. Shrapnel's SEIV comes closes but is missing...something. MOO3 was a piece of garbage that I returned as soon as I discovered that the game was unable to save your turn information mid-turn.

Arcade strategy: Archon, Archon 2: Adept - yeah, I loved them both!

Action Adventure: Star Control 2 - probably my vote for greatest game of all time. Funny, fantastic story, great music, fun action combat.
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Old July 19th, 2004, 08:46 AM

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Default Re: OT - your fav games

Ok, I'll probably go for games that I have spent most time on, and have come back to again and again.

Civilization I (Amiga) - I got so bad GCSEs because of this game.
Civilization III (PC) - Didn't like II, not sure why, just thought it was a little repetative. III I like, but only really play it with mods (esp. DyP).
Master of Orion I (PC) - Absolute classic. I think I got more angry at this game than any other. "What?!? A 100 ship fleet on my doorstep in turn 5". I guess the AI wasn't up to much, it got _huge_ bonuses.

Dune (PC) - Not much of a RTS fan, but liked this.

Angband, Zangband, TOME (PC) - I always come back to these, predominantely Zangband. There is just so much variety.
Betrayal at Krondor (PC) - I remember playing this with a friend, we never finished it, but it was classic fun.
Baldur's Gate II (PC) - Still going through this, it's massive and enjoyable all the way.

Gran Turismo series (PS1 and PS2) - Can't be beat.
V-Rally I (PS1) - Sheer driving 1v1 fun. I used to play this all the time at university.
Demolition Derby I (PS1) - An oldie, simple, but a goodie.
Supercars I & II (Amiga) - Great little arcade racers. Homing missiles were ace.

DOOM I and II (PC) - These introduced me to multiplayer gaming. We had a 4 computers network at home, and we had day long parties which were intended to be DOOM during the day, other stuff in the evening. DOOM took over all.
Counterstrike (PC) - I actually got pretty good at this, and it was amazingly great Online. Hacks killed it a bit in some cases, but mostly it was great fun.
Quake III (PC): Great fun Online, railgun fanatics of the world unite.

Sensible Soccer (Amiga & PC) - I just loved this game, but the computer wasn't much of a challenge, and none of my mates would play me because I just whipped them. It was silly fun though.
Tracksuit Manager (C64) - No idea why I got hooked on this, but I did. It was crap, but I did win the world cup once.
Speedball II (Amiga) - So much fun. I spent about 6 hours playing this a couple of nights ago, with an emulator.
Decathlon (C64) - Nothing like a frenzy of joystick waggling to get the adrenaline up. I think I got over 11000 points once.
Tony Hawkes Pro Skating II & III(PS1 & PS2) - I am generally a pretty good gamer, but these I am _so_ bad at. I enjoy them lots though.
SSX (PS2) - Fun game, I wasn't too bad at it either, unlike the previous.

X2 - The Threat (PC) - The game I'm currently playing most at the moment, especially now the 1.4 patch is out. Immense scope, great game. Storyline sucks though, but that's not the point to the game.
Frontier (Amiga) - Liked, but didn't love this game. Too many glitches, it was pretty huge and limitless though, and kept me playing for hours and hours.

Pirates! (Amiga) - I never did find my sister, but did just about everything else. I basically owned that Carribean by the end.
Railroad Tycoon I (Amiga) - I played this game so much. II and III didn't capture my imagination as much, but I still played them both pretty much (III still). III's landscaping is so annoying though.
Grand Theft Auto Series (Amiga & PC) - The original 2 were a bLast, I loved unnecessary killing even back then . III made it prettier, and kept all the fun elements.
Worms (PS1) - So much time went on this game. If Civ I killed my GCSEs, this game killed my degree. So many times I was doing work, and a friend came round and asked "Fancy a game of Worms?". By the end, we had played literally thousands of games, each best of 3 rounds. The scoreboard was all screwed up, because we'd played it so much.

I've been playing with Morrowind a bit recently too, but can't seem to find any love for it. Managing stats is a bit of a pain, and there are huge numbers of exploits (Alchemy = Immediate level 10 rich character). Anyway, that's about me done, I think. I'm sure I'll think of some more later .
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Old July 19th, 2004, 09:00 AM

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Default Re: OT - your fav games

Civilization III (PC) - Didn't like II, not sure why, just thought it was a little repetative. III I like, but only really play it with mods (esp. DyP).
I never got why people hated Civ 3. So many excellent advances. Workers instead of settlers, the whole culture thing was done well. UU's were pretty nice. I can't really see where the game lacks when compared to Civ2. Some complained about the corruption system, but once you knew what you were doing that wasn't hard to manage.
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Old July 19th, 2004, 09:41 AM
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Default Re: OT - your fav games

Originally posted by Blitz:
Civilization III (PC) - Didn't like II, not sure why, just thought it was a little repetative. III I like, but only really play it with mods (esp. DyP).
I never got why people hated Civ 3. So many excellent advances. Workers instead of settlers, the whole culture thing was done well. UU's were pretty nice. I can't really see where the game lacks when compared to Civ2. Some complained about the corruption system, but once you knew what you were doing that wasn't hard to manage.
I like Civ III, but I think Alpha Centauri was better in many ways. Civ III has a good AI, and that helps a lot. But Alpha Centauri had atmosphere; it had terraforming, 3D landscape, nukes that made a difference, custom units, sea cities and potentially huge cities. Also, it had the best quotes

So all in all, I think perhaps Alpha Centauri may have been the best non-free game I have ever played.

Another fond memory is Worms I + II (after which they lost it.) and scorched earth. Wizardry 8, Might and Magic 6+7, and recently, UT2004. The Longest Journey, Siberia, Broken Sword 3 and other adventure games.
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Old July 19th, 2004, 10:06 AM
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Default Re: OT - your fav games

Originally posted by Esben Mose Hansen:
Another fond memory is ... Siberia ...
I've been considering Syberia. What can you tell me about it?
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