
October 1st, 2004, 01:24 AM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
narf poit chez BOOM said:
Seeing as it's a fictional name, you can pronounce it Bob if you want.
I'm sorry, but Bob is taken. 
A* E* Se++ GdQ $ Fr! C Csc Sf+ Ai- M Mp* S++ Ss- R! Pw Fq Nd Rp+ G++ Mm+ Bb++ Tcp+ L Au
Download Sev Today! --- Download BOB and SOCk today too! --- Thanks to Fyron and Trooper for hosting.

October 1st, 2004, 01:31 AM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
Krsqk said:
Did you mean you surely hope not? Sorry, just the educator in me coming out (despite my best efforts).
Surely I did not.

October 1st, 2004, 05:26 AM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
No, it's "Kursk". Definitely "Kursk". And he plays Dyson-hockey, didn't you know?

October 1st, 2004, 10:57 AM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
Hmmm, I have always pronounced it "Krisk" for some reason.  That is just the first thing in my mind when I read it.
Ragnarok - Hevordian Story Thread
I think...therefore I am confused.
They were armed. With guns, said Omari.
Canadians. With guns. And a warship. What is this world coming to?
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October 1st, 2004, 11:36 AM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
Me being a Primitive was the departing words from my first great love (almost 10 years).
Strange, how women are attracted to the rugged stuff but a few years down the road they want you to wear a suit and go to the opera “shrug”. I’ll never understand them 
Never trust a cop with rubber gloves.

October 1st, 2004, 12:49 PM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
Strange, how women are attracted to the rugged stuff but a few years down the road they want you to wear a suit and go to the opera “shrug”. I’ll never understand them
Cue strange, frightening and deeply inappropriate mental images of Primitve at the opera: On stage, with a Valkyrie wig/helmet set, spear and giant fake busom singing along to Wagner...
'Kilw da wabbit, kilw da wabbit..."

October 2nd, 2004, 01:32 AM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
Se5a - its a WW1 fighter (or more corectly a fighting scout as they were known back then) no idea why I decided on it, but I have been using it ever since I got the net.
its *usualy* not taken wherever I go and people dont usualy know what it is.

October 2nd, 2004, 01:51 AM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
/me kills Dogscoff extremly dead.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
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October 2nd, 2004, 02:15 AM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
dogscoff said:
Cue strange, frightening and deeply inappropriate mental images of Primitve at the opera: On stage, with a Valkyrie wig/helmet set, spear and giant fake busom singing along to Wagner...
'Kilw da wabbit, kilw da wabbit..."
Sheesh man... first Xintis is a crossdresser, now Primitive is? Something you want to tell us, buddy 'ole pal?

July 10th, 2005, 03:06 PM
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Re: What is the etymology of your moniker?
I think it's time to resurrect this thread, seeing as to the fact that there are many new members with sometimes odd names (yes I'm looking at you NullAshton) and it might be interesting to see how they came up with them.
My name:
Few years back I came across a simple website creation site called FreeWebs. Back then, I was playing Empire Earth a lot, and especially liked the map editor. So, I decided to make a site with ideas and information regarding the map editor for EE (in that time I wasn't really human yet). Somewhere on the site, I put down my e-mail adress for contact (no-one to my knowledge has ever even seen the site except for me, but like I said back then I was not really human.). However, I thought that putting down my home e-mail adress was a bad idea, so after a day or so I went to Hotmail and had to decide on a name. I thought that, since EE is a strategy game, something with "strategy" would be nice, and eventually I came up with "Strategia In Ultima", which is resemblant of "Ultimate Strategy". The name stuck.
O'Neill: I have something I want to confess you. The name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.
-Stargate SG1
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