
September 30th, 2004, 08:09 PM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
Tuidjy said:
Cheezeninja said: If I had been left alone for awhile I would have been a happy little clammer
I think you just killed Pythium. But then, what do I know...
Yes - what do you know? Not having played in our game, I'm wondering how you have a clue...

October 1st, 2004, 02:38 AM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
During Worldcon (beginning of September) I was watching Yvelina play that game.
Lately we have been talking about it, and she has been trying to figure out
how anyone would have such a surplus of gems as to use tons of them for
defeating her enchantments.
Now, if I were in her position, I would go look for these clams. But then
again, what do I know...
No good deed goes unpunished...

October 1st, 2004, 09:39 AM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
Tuidjy said:
During Worldcon (beginning of September) I was watching Yvelina play that game.
Lately we have been talking about it, and she has been trying to figure out
how anyone would have such a surplus of gems as to use tons of them for
defeating her enchantments.
Now, if I were in her position, I would go look for these clams. But then
again, what do I know...
I think the answer would be - the same way she has tons of gems to cast the enchantments in the first place. Vanheim has cast Forge of the Ancients (twice), Gift of Health, Well of Misery, and Arcane Nexus in this game. That's a lot of gems, and dispelling takes fewer gems than casting the enchantment.
By the way, apparently Fire Storm > C'tis. I think my upkeep went down by about 200 gold this turn 
"He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
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Ringed with the azure world, he stands" - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

October 1st, 2004, 03:36 PM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
Hey, hey, a couple of points!
o Petar is not playing this game, I am. I am not positive that Pythium is the one taking down my enchantments.
o I thought that you cannot dispell an enchantment unless you put in as many gems as were invested in the first place. If this is not the case, then I am a fool for using at least the double of gems for each of mine (but that unfortunate first FoA). Or maybe tripple, you know? ;-)
o I have realized I positively HATE not knowing who my enemies are. Right now, I should probably be declaring war on Abysia, but have not, because if my secret enemy is Pythium, he will probably ally with Abysia and I will be in trouble, and if C'tis is the one who was taking down my enchantments, he does not deserve my help.
o And finally, I did not cast Fire Storm at C'tis. I have no fire mages or fire on my pretender, I am alchemizing all of my fire gem income, and unless I am mistaken, Fire storm is a level 9 spell, and I do not have level 9 Evocation researched.
o Oh, and did I mention, I hate this game. I wanna play team games, where you know which way your front and rear are.
o As for the tons of gems, I am using them for some benefit to me (or trying to) Whoever is taking down my enchantments is wasting them.
o I hate diplomacy. I think I will write Pythiumx2, Abysiax2, C'tis and AI on a dice, and see which way it rolls.
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October 1st, 2004, 03:52 PM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
I think Schmoe is refering to the level 7 evocation spell, Fire Storm. Oh, and he most assuredly knows where it came from. =)
But Yvelina, you should be happy about the position you're in. The rest of us are just crippling ourselves while you hoard and what not. We spend all our gems fighting and the thought of casting a global hasn't even crossed my mind.
I am having lots of fun though. =)

October 1st, 2004, 06:04 PM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
Yvelina said:
o I thought that you cannot dispell an enchantment unless you put in as many gems as were invested in the first place. If this is not the case, then I am a fool for using at least the double of gems for each of mine (but that unfortunate first FoA). Or maybe tripple, you know? ;-)
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the cost to dispel is related to the extra gems put into an enchantment, but not directly equal. In order to Dispel, you have to spend the cost of the Dispel (30), plus an amount equal to the amount originally spent above the base cost of the enchantment you are dispelling. For example, let's say opponent X casts Well of Misery, spending a total of 100 death gems (80 base + 20 extra). The cost to dispel would then be 50 astral gems (30 base +20 extra). Most globals have a base cost higher than 30 gems, so you can effectively dispel for fewer gems than the amount spent on the global.
o I have realized I positively HATE not knowing who my enemies are. Right now, I should probably be declaring war on Abysia, but have not, because if my secret enemy is Pythium, he will probably ally with Abysia and I will be in trouble, and if C'tis is the one who was taking down my enchantments, he does not deserve my help.
o And finally, I did not cast Fire Storm at C'tis. I have no fire mages or fire on my pretender, I am alchemizing all of my fire gem income, and unless I am mistaken, Fire storm is a level 9 spell, and I do not have level 9 Evocation researched.
As bleach said, I know who cast the Fire Storm.  Oh yes, I know the culprit, and his red, scaly butt will be mine, I tell you, mine!
o Oh, and did I mention, I hate this game. I wanna play team games, where you know which way your front and rear are.
Sorry you're not having fun. To be honest, the tension in the "cold war" was getting to me, too, so I decided to stir things up a bit. It looks like I may have been better off waiting a few turns, but it's more exciting this way. I may lose, but I'm determined to enjoy doing it
o As for the tons of gems, I am using them for some benefit to me (or trying to) Whoever is taking down my enchantments is wasting them.
Well, I actually disagree. Dispelling your enchantments hurts you. What does an opponent want to do to his enemy? Hurt him/her. I personally don't expect any global to Last long. I just hope I get some use out of mine before they're all gone.
o I hate diplomacy. I think I will write Pythiumx2, Abysiax2, C'tis and AI on a dice, and see which way it rolls.
Hey, what about Arco, Machaka, and Pythium! They're still in this too.
Anyway, I'd be interested in a team game, too, once this one is over. Could be fun.
"He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands" - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

October 1st, 2004, 06:22 PM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
Schmoe said:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the cost to dispel is related to the extra gems put into an enchantment, but not directly equal. In order to Dispel, you have to spend the cost of the Dispel (30), plus an amount equal to the amount originally spent above the base cost of the enchantment you are dispelling. For example, let's say opponent X casts Well of Misery, spending a total of 100 death gems (80 base + 20 extra). The cost to dispel would then be 50 astral gems (30 base +20 extra). Most globals have a base cost higher than 30 gems, so you can effectively dispel for fewer gems than the amount spent on the global.
Here's a clip from a thread somewhere that I saved:
AFAIK if both the global spell and the Dispel pay the base cost, there is about a 50% dispel chance. This is however modified, depending upon (for both spells) :
- extra gems spent,
- difference in skill of the caster and the level of the spell.
There is also an open-ended d6 added to the gem input of every global and dispelling attempt.
Exemple : a lvl 10 nature mage casts Gift of Health (lvl 5) with 25 extra gems. Sum=25+5+D6(oe). Dispelling astrologer has astral lvl 3 only but uses 35 extra gems. Sum=35+D6(oe). Dispel will probably succeed (35+d6 vs 30+d6) : it's hard to beat a difference of 5 with one (even open-ended) d6.

October 4th, 2004, 02:29 PM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
We're waiting on Arco, and I know he staled Last turn. J Henry, are you still with us?

October 5th, 2004, 12:38 AM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
J Henry has had two consecutive stales on us now, unless he shows up in the next 12 hrs, or unless someone objects, I'm going to change him to AI sometime tomorrow.

October 5th, 2004, 12:50 AM
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Re: MP Game - Live and Learn (newbie game) - open
I say we give him another 24 hours. Since it's on 48h quickhost, and usually somebody takes more than 24 hours, it shouldn't be a big deal.
I know, it's a longshot, but it would be better than setting him to AI.
You know Thufir, the more experience I'm getting with this game the worse I feel about going AI in the Last game we played. I know that me doing so really screwed you over. I realize now I should have at the very least tried to find a sub, so consider this an apology.
"He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands" - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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