
October 4th, 2004, 10:30 AM
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Bug - battle bug
I'm in a game where I had an army with 5 commanders (all Tartarian Titans). They were facing one ice devil, a militia, and a soulless, should have been an easy win, and it was. I killed all enemy troops with no losses. I also had 4 adjacent provinces to retreat into in case anything went wrong.
However the battle report (not the replay) showed that I lost 2 commanders, and the ice devil is still alive and seiging my fortress despite dying in battle...my "surviving" commanders all retreated even though I won the battle with no losses according to the replay....and it wouldn't make sense for an ice devil to be able to kill anything when facing 5 fully kitted TT's anyway (in case something was wrong w/ replay).
So, how do I let the devs know about this other than posting on this thread? I have saved the .trn file.
Would anyone who knows how to proceed mind emailing me at johnpruner at yahoo.com?

October 4th, 2004, 10:38 AM
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Re: Bug - battle bug
try mailing the turn, along w/ an explanatory note, to support@illwinter.com
your sure that you are running the same patch as the server? because, if not, that can explain incompatible battle replays.
an ID might be able to beat off some tartarians if they were poorly equipped and the ID had some special equipment...

October 5th, 2004, 04:23 PM
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Foul Vapors oddness
I used Ghost Riders (and naught else) to attack an underwater C'tisian army. The enemy Marshmaster cast, among other spells, Foul Vapors.
This struck me as odd for three reasons:
(1) I used only Ghost Riders, which are longdead horsemen lead by a mounted wraith lord. All are completely immune to poison, I believed. Ghost riders never summon other units or convert other units to their side. The Marshmaster did not, IIRC, summon anything that would might be hostile to it that would also not be poison immune (Horrors would qualify, but it didn't, IIRC. Sharks perhaps as well, but I don't recall seeing any.) So why cast Foul Vapors?
(2) It's a fairly odd spell to see underwater; is it coming from vents in the sea floor, or something like that?
(3) The Marshmaster and his forces were generally not poison-immune, nor was immunity granted by any spells cast; in fact, the Foul Vapors -killed- the Marshmaster.
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October 8th, 2004, 04:43 AM
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Major Disease Bug
This is a doozy. A pretender with 91 base HPs, dominion bonus of +109, is at ... 41 and going lower. This is on turn 14, the disease was acquired on turn 12, so there is no way that disease has diminished the HPs enough to reduce health this much - I moved it back into the capital from where it was fighting to see what happened.
The only thing I can think of is that the pretender went to 44 HPs during the battle he picked up the disease, never healed, and disease has continued to lower the HPs turn by turn.
Somehow I don't think this is how disease is supposed to work, smacking 150 HPs from a pretender or other high HP being the turn the disease is acquired.
Saving game files in case Illwinter wants to investigate.
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October 13th, 2004, 05:47 PM
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Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
When I type in the command line '-res 1152 864' and start the game, the first thing that comes up is "select nation to play" with only one option "Exit".
This is a problem because when I maximize the window in window mode, the game freezes. When I start in full-screen mode and goto options and turn off full-screen mode, the game minimizes and won't maximize. If you try to make it maximize, the game freezes.
BASICALLY, there's absolutely no way to get the game to run at a higher resolution and be in windowed mode at the same time.
Windows XP
GeForce 6800
EDIT: The reason the command line wasn't working is because I put only one '-' instead of two '--' behind 'res'. But now the problem is that the window ends up being in the lower right corner of the screen. When I move or maximize the window, the game freezes. Is there a command line to start the game maximized?

October 13th, 2004, 06:51 PM
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Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
--fullscreen to start dominions in fullscreen mode.
But if you want it maximized and still in a window then you'll have to enter the proper values in --res xxx yyy.

October 14th, 2004, 02:10 AM
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Map display glitches
There seems to be a glitch in the way maps are being displayed, in which certain rows and columns of pixels that are part of the map's .tga file, are not being displayed by Dom2. It seems to be 1-2 pixels thick line is not being drawn. I have spotted this in both random generated maps (it's pretty easy to spot there, since they have a lot of detail), and in hand-done maps, including Aran, Cradle, Orania and Parganos.
The easiest way I found to spot this is while running in windowed mode (not full-screen), start zooming out. You will then start to see some very thin black lines in some places forming a (partial) grid. The lines are not always visible, and might flicker in/out as you zoom, but they are part of the map, and move with the map, if you move the map around. They are also constant in the same spots for the same map, whether in full screen or window, or resize the window, or exit the game and then restart/reload.
Next, pick a spot where one of those lines crosses a detailed map background element (ie: a mountain range drawn on the map), and start zooming in on that exact spot. Once you've zoomed in the maximum amount, the disjoint where the missing pixels were should be visible.
If you open the map's .tga files in GIMP or Photoshop and examine the same locations, you will see that there is no disjoint and that the map as displayed by Dom2 is missing a few pixels.
To illustrate the problem, I have created a screen capture from my game on Cradle showing the disjoint, and cropped a similar area from the actual cradle.tga file and enlarged it to similar size for comparison. I will try to upload the pictures here but have had problems with uploads so we'll see if this works.
I tried turning off the filtering in the video settings, but it did not fix the problem. I would suspect it's something with my video card driver, but I actually originally discovered this problem because Gandalf sent me a random map that he thought was slightly broken because the missing pixel column(s) deleted part of a province border, and he thought it was a DomMap problem. (But the border was fine viewing the .tga in GIMP or Photoshop) Further, we both saw the missing line of pixels in essentially the same spot.
I can provide further examples or duplication info if it will help...

October 14th, 2004, 02:14 AM
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Re: Map display glitches
It looks like the image attachment worked, but it only let me attach one file. The above post has the glitched map enlargement from Dom2 (250K, very high quality jpeg).
In this post, I will attach the enlargement of a crop of the same area from the cradle.tga file. (270K, very high quality jpeg).

October 14th, 2004, 12:58 PM
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\"The Summit\" is bugged
Found another bug.
The magic axe "The Summit" ist borked. It has an attack bonus of +12 on the paper, but if you apply it to a leader, the attack doesn't rise at all. I tried it with multiple leaders, nada. The defense bonus, on the other hand, works.

October 14th, 2004, 01:10 PM
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Re: \"The Summit\" is bugged
Attack bonus is applied per weapon. So the main stat wont go up however if you click on it, you will get a breakdown of your attack value for each weapon used.
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