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Old October 25th, 2004, 07:10 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

TURN 23:

Provinces: 10
Treasury: 800
Income: 700
Upkeep: 245
RP Total: 71
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: (+71)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 17 (+2)
Water: 9 (+4)
Earth: 6 (+1)
Astral: 13 (+3/5)
Death: 41 (+6)
Nature: 4 (+2)

~ Conjuration 5 has been completed.
~ An arrow has struck Fres the Jotun Skratti in the heart, he survived and is now wounded.
~ Gisli cast Summon Ice Drake.
~ There was a battle in (146) Vorgunmarsh.

Marignon has as defenders 3 Royal Guard, 1 Friar, 1 Royal Navigator, 3 Archers, 2 Pikeneers, 1 Swordsman, and 4 Light Infantry. The battle is easily won and I successfully killed off 16 of my militias. There were also no survivors as none of the enemy was allowed to escape.

It appears that the province has 103 supplies even though it is a swamp which is well within the 73 supplies my army is now using.

Helmut’s Sappers are now employed by T’ien Ch’i.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is finally recruited by C’tis.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon, Py=Pythium

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (31570, 223, 173, 421) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7470, 40, 33, 147) 5 Def
J 6 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10080, 58, 30, 206) 5 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7530, 41, 33, 174) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10810, 81, 8, 211) 5 Def
I 6 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90,40,40,70,70,90 Barbarians
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10270, 70, 106, 287) 15 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9330, 51, 31, 197) 5 Def
I 3 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 1 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
J 6 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9250, 57, 34, 209) 11 Def
I 6 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80,70 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
J 6 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (9130, 52, 30, 180) 11 Def
J 5 (146) Vorgunmarsh – 40/20 (2200, 7, 20, 103) 11 Def
I -1 (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40),(30),(40),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg 5 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
Mg -1 (136) Toemuck Fen – Swamp
Mg -6 (123) Madderein – Swamp
Mg -2 (143) Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Marignon now appears to own provinces (136) and (123) to the south. These used to be owned by Pythium earlier I think. Marignon now has in (141) 90 Lizard Warriors, Crossbowmen, and Light Infantry. Marignon also has in (136) 90 Halberdiers, Crossbowmen, Archers, Swordsmen, and Pikeneers. Yikes, looks like some fairly large armies that could move on me soon.

I increase the PD of my new province of (146) to 11.

Gisli takes the new Pendant of Luck and the Ice Drake he just summoned and searches for magic sites in (218). Angerboda searches for magic sites in (202).

My fort is completed in (152). Hopefully my army will be able to handle Marignon’s armies in the area. I would like to construct a lab in the new province of (146) because there is a new Library there, but I decide it may be best to wait until the threat in the area is calmed down some. I notice I can also recruit shaman in the swamp (146). I send my main army back to (152) to try to anticipate an offensive by Marignon.

Confar is my new sage and is 1B. I will use him to blood hunt later on when I get that going. This turn I recruit a new sage, a Niefel Jarl and 3 Jotun Spearmen in my capitol, and a Jotun Scout in (152).

For this turn I forge a Skull Staff, Winged Shoes (by one of my sages), and use alchemy to get enough nature gems to forge a Ring of Regeneration. I ponder summoning a Bane Lord, but they are so dang slow on the battlefield and I hate waiting for them in past times I have used them. However, I have never used Winged Shoes on them and decide to try that this time which should fix that problem. I forge the Skull Staff so that I can get one of my 2D casters to 3D to summon one next turn.

I take a peek at the graphs and make a note of the numbers of provinces the other nations have compared to me. I will list the nations and the relative amount of provinces compared to me. Marignon (+1), Arcoscephale (+2), Vanheim (+3), C’tis (+3), T’ien Ch’I (+5), R’lyeh (-1), Mictlan (-2), Pythium (-3) and the others less than that.

The rest of my mages will research Enchantment with 71 RPs. I would like to get to Enchantment 5 in case I need to Dispel a real nasty global and hopefully to try to cast Gift of Health before too long.
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Old October 26th, 2004, 07:09 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

TURN 24:

Provinces: 9
Treasury: 389
Income: 662
Upkeep: 275
RP Total: 71
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: 2 (+71)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 14 (+2)
Water: 13 (+4)
Earth: 7 (+1)
Astral: 9 (+3/5)
Death: 37 (+6)
Nature: 2 (+2)

~ Enchantment 1 and 2 have been completed.
~ Gisli and Angerboda did not find any magic sites.
~ There was a battle in (152) South Horslund Forest.

Oops, looks like I made a big mistake. I forgot to put my units to Move and Patrol and my main army went and hid inside the castle in (152). Marignon took over the province with 68 units and is now attacking the castle. I am under siege, but they are unable to damage the walls. My PD was only able to manage to kill 2 of their units before routing.

The Lost Legion is still employed by Vanheim.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by C’tis.
Burelk’s City Guard is now employed by T’ien Ch’i.
The Green Horde is now available, Murong Chui commands 40 men for 300 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon, Py=Pythium

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (31570, 223, 173, 421) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7470, 40, 33, 147) 5 Def
J 6 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10080, 58, 30, 206) 5 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7530, 41, 33, 174) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10810, 81, 8, 211) 5 Def
I 6 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90, 40,40,70,70,90,70 Barbarians
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10270, 70, 106, 287) 15 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9330, 51, 31, 197) 5 Def
I 3 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 1 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
J 6 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9250, 57, 34, 209) 11 Def
I 6 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80,70,50 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
Mg 6 {Siege} (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/16 (9130, 52, 30, 180) 0 Def
J 5 (146) Vorgunmarsh – 100/0 (2200, 7, 20, 103) 11 Def
I -1 (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg 6 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
Mg -1 (136) Toemuck Fen – Swamp
Py -5 (123) Madderein – Swamp
Mg -3 (143) Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Marignon now has 40 Crossbowmen and Halberdiers in (136) and a single Inquisitor in (141). Pythium has taken over the province (123) and has an army of 70 Militias, Spring Hawks, and Alae Legionnaires.

My income is really starting to drop off more than I would like. I really need to get that 2nd army going and taking some provinces. Gramner is my new Niefel Jarl and he takes the Skull Staff, gathers up all of the Jotun Spearmen in my castle (5 of them) and casts Revive Bane Lord.

I have my Gygja forge 2 Wraith Swords and 2 Pendants of Luck. I need to alchemize 2D to 1S to complete the 2nd one. Oligar is my new sage and is 1E. I have one of my 1A sages forge some Winged Shoes.

I recruit 2 Niefel Giants and 2 Jotun Spearmen in my capitol.

Angerboda moves to province (183) to continue searching.

My main army in the castle in (152) will Break Siege and try to eliminate Marignon’s sieging army. Hopefully Marignon will not continue further into my lands.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 71 RPs.
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Old October 26th, 2004, 07:35 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

TURN 25:

Provinces: 10
Treasury: 421
Income: 684
Upkeep: 278
RP Total: 85
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: 3 (+85)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 11 (+2)
Water: 17 (+4)
Earth: 8 (+1)
Astral: 8 (+3/5)
Death: 6 (+6)
Nature: 4 (+2)

~ Research in Enchantment 3 has been completed.
~ Gramner has cast Revive Bane Lord.
~ There was an event in (195) Oeversee. A very ill omen was seen and rumors of it have spread throughout the province. The province now has 29 unrest.
~ There was a battle in (152) South Horslund Forest.

My army breaks siege and it appears that Marignon’s army has remained in the province. The army consists of 1 Commander, 1 Inquisitor, 5 Swordsmen, 12 Light Infantry, 18 Crossbowmen, and 30 Lizard Warriors. I have my remaining 31 Militia set to attack first and they manage to kill a few units before fleeing to neighboring provinces. I do manage to get 23 of them killed, though . My army then manages to rout the enemy quickly and leaves no survivors due to their speed and swift killing.

Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by C’tis.
Burelk’s City Guard is still employed by T’ien Ch’i.
Master Gibur is now available, he commands 1 man for 80 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon, Py=Pythium

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (32220, 241, 169, 455) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7600, 42, 33, 162) 5 Def
J 6 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10280, 62, 30, 221) 5 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7680, 43, 33, 176) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 40/29 (11010, 51, 6, 212) 5 Def
I 6 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90, 40,40,70,70,90,70,40 Barbarians
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10470, 74, 102, 288) 15 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9530, 54, 31, 200) 5 Def
I 3 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 1 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
J 6 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9450, 54, 13, 199) 11 Def
I 6 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80,70,50,100 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
J 5 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest - 60/15 (9330, 52, 96, 290) 11 Def
J 5 (146) Vorgunmarsh – 100/0 (2200, 11, 22, 103) 11 Def
I 0 (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg 6 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
Mg ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
Py -2 (136) Toemuck Fen – Swamp
Py -6 (123) Madderein – Swamp
Mg -3 (143) Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Marignon now has about 40 Crossbowmen and Lizard Warriors in (141). Pythium has taken over (136) from Marignon and now has about 70 Militias, Velites, Alae Legionnaires with a huge Hydra and Several Spring Hawks. Pythium has about 10 Principes in the province of (123). It also appears that Marignon has taken over province (189) this turn. I set the PD of province 152 back to 11.

Gramner picks up the remaining Niefel Giants and Jotun Spearmen which now total 2 Niefel Giants and 7 Jotun Spearmen. Cernetu the Bane Lord grabs a Wraith Sword, Pendant of Luck, and Winged Shoes from the lab. Gisli, Gramner and Cernetu form my 2nd army and move to province (208) this turn.

Angerboda searches (183) for magic sites. Xeran the sage forges another pair of Winged Shoes. I have one of my Jotun Skratti forge a Clam of Pearls.

I recruit 1 new sage, 1 Jotun Gode to join up with my second army, and 2 Jotun Spearmen.

I would like to start summoning some Vine Men or Vine Ogres soon, but just don’t have enough of a nature gem income yet to do it well. I still have Jarls without Rings of Regeneration and I would like to get Gift of Health up sometime among other things. I will try to fit it in sometime soon. Hopefully Angerboda will find some more nature sites soon which would help a lot.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 85 RPs.

Attached is an updated Turn 25 map.
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Old October 27th, 2004, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

TURN 26:

Provinces: 10
Treasury: 334
Income: 637
Upkeep: 293
RP Total: 93
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: 4 (+93)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 8 (+2)
Water: 11 (+4)
Earth: 9 (+1)
Astral: 16 (+3/5)
Death: 14 (+8)
Nature: 6 (+2)

~ Mictlan has declared war on me.
~ Research in Enchantment 4 has been completed.
~ Angerboda has found a magic site in North Horslund Forest, Graveyard of the Damned which generates 2D per turn.
~ There was an event in (208) Farsen Forest. A very ill omen was seen and rumors of it have spread throughout the province. The province now has 28 unrest.
~ There was a battle in (146) Vorgunmarsh.

Marignon attacks me in (146) like I suspected and my army was waiting for them. They attack with 1 Commander, 3 Pikeneers, 4 Halberdiers, 8 Crossbowmen, and 10 Lizard Warriors. I end up killing them all before they can escape and lose one of my Militia in the battle. After casting quickness, Gotvid with his Heroic Quickness ability also ends up having 3/74 move during the battle. 74?! Dang! He can really move around the battlefield.

Master Gibur is recruited by Marignon.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is now employed by Vanheim.
Burelk’s City Guard is still employed by T’ien Ch’i.
The Farstrikers are now available, Arnaud commands 30 men for 160 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon, Py=Pythium

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (32220, 241, 169, 455) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 40/28 (7600, 42, 33, 162) 10 Def
J 6 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10280, 62, 30, 221) 10 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7680, 43, 33, 176) 10 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 80/9 (11010, 51, 6, 212) 10 Def
I 6 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90, 40,40,70,70,90,70,40,60 Barbarians
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10470, 74, 102, 288) 15 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9530, 54, 31, 200) 10 Def
I 3 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 1 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
J 6 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9450, 54, 13, 199) 11 Def
I 6 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80,70,50,100,70 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
J 6 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest - 90/2 (9330, 52, 96, 290) 11 Def
J 5 (146) Vorgunmarsh – 80/6 (2200, 11, 22, 103) 11 Def
I 0 (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50),(40),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Py 6 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
Mg ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
Py -2 (136) Toemuck Fen – Swamp
Py -5 (123) Madderein – Swamp
Mg -2 (143) Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Pythium appears to have taken province (141) from Marignon. Pythium and Marignon seem to be having quite a little war down here in the swamps. I still don’t think Pythium has tried to go after me yet, though. Pythium has 30 Alae Legionnaires and Triarius in (141), 30 Militias and Triarius in (136), and (123) appears to be free from military units.

I send my main army back to province (152) with orders to Move and Patrol.

Erik is my new Jotun Gode that is in my capitol. He takes the 2 new Jotun Spearmen and moves on to (208). Angerboda moves on to (166) to continue searching for sites.

Robior is my new sage and is 1A. I have one of my 1A sages forge another pair of Winged Shoes and a Jotun Skratti forges a Clam of Pearls. I recruit another sage this turn and a Jotun Scout in my capitol.

My newly formed 2nd army will attack the barbarians in the west in province (212). I have a total of 2 Niefel Jarls, 1 Bane Lord, 2 Niefel Giants, 3 Ice Drakes, and 9 Jotun Spearmen. I have the Niefel Jarls cast Quickness, Breath of Winter, Blessing, and attack closest. I have the Bane Lord (hold) a couple turns then attack closest also.

With my remaining gold I increase the PD of all of my provinces that were under 10 up to 10. This should protect them all from the minor remote attack spells anyway.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 93 RPs.
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Old October 27th, 2004, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

TURN 27:

Provinces: 11
Treasury: 397
Income: 688
Upkeep: 300
RP Total: 101
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4 (+44)
Enchantment: 4 (+57)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 5 (+2)
Water: 5 (+4)
Earth: 10 (+1)
Astral: 25 (+3/6)
Death: 22 (+8)
Nature: 8 (+2)

~ Atlantis has made the King of the Deep named Ctalou its prophet.
~ There was a battle in (212) West Farsen Forest.

As defenders there are 2 barbarian chiefs, 28 barbarians with mauls, and 33 barbarians with great swords. Yikes, that is a lot of barbarians. The battle ends up going very well, though. I lose no units, but one of my ice drakes has acquired 2 wounds. Still, I am quite pleased with the results.

Master Gibur is still employed by Marignon.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by Vanheim.
Burelk’s City Guard is now employed by C’tis.
The Farstrikers are now employed by Abysia.
Magnus’s Crossbows are now available, Rolf Magnus commands 20 men for 120 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon, Py=Pythium

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (32220, 241, 169, 455) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 80/7 (7600, 42, 33, 162) 11 Def
J 6 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10280, 62, 30, 221) 11 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7680, 43, 33, 176) 11 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 90/3 (11010, 51, 6, 212) 11 Def
J 6 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – 20/31 (7370, 20, 22, 146) 11 Def
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10470, 74, 102, 288) 15 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9530, 54, 31, 200) 11 Def
I 3 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40),50 Light Infantry/Militias
I 1 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30),20 Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
J 6 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9450, 54, 13, 199) 11 Def
I 6 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90, (70),(70),80,70,50,100,70,40 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
J 6 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (9330, 52, 96, 290) 21 Def
J 5 (146) Vorgunmarsh – 100/0 (2200, 11, 22, 103) 13 Def
I -1 (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50),(40),(40),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Py 5 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
Mg ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
Py -1 (136) Toemuck Fen – Swamp
Py -5 (123) Madderein – Swamp
Mg -2 (143) Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Pythium now has in (141) 40 Velites, Alae Legionnaires, and a huge Hydra and in (123) has about 10 Alae Legionnaires. Pythium’s province of (136) appears to have no enemy units.

I set the PDs of all provinces up to at least 11 and the PD of (152) up to 21, and (146) to 13.

Arnold is my new sage and is 1F. This turn I recruit another sage. Angerboda will search province (166) for magic sites.

I send my first army off to attack Pythium in the province (141). My 2nd army moves on to attack the next province in the west (216). Erik the Gode and Aurgelmer my new scout move to province (212).

I have Sif the Gygja take the Skull Staff and summon another Bane Lord this turn and Aude forges another Pendant of Luck. I will have my new Bane Lord take a pair of Winged Shoes and hurry south to help in the wars in the swamps.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 57 RPs and will complete Enchantment 5. They continue to research Construction with the remaining 44 RPs.
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Old October 28th, 2004, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

TURN 28:

Provinces: 13
Treasury: 443
Income: 772
Upkeep: 306
RP Total: 108
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4 (+108)
Enchantment: 5
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 7 (+2)
Water: 9 (+4)
Earth: 11 (+1)
Astral: 30 (+3/7)
Death: 15 (+8)
Nature: 11 (+3)

~ Enchantment level 5 has been completed.
~ Sif casts Revive Bane Lord.
~ Angerboda has found 1 magic site, the Glen of Verdant Greenery which generates 1N gem per turn.
~ Pythium has made the Emerald Lord named Antonius its prophet.
~ C’tis has made the Lizard King named Tibira’kalammak its prophet.
~ There was a battle in (141) The Sinking Land.
~ There was a battle in (216) Frostwater.

In the province of (141), Pythium only has a single Theurg Acolyte as a defender. He is easily killed and we take the province.

In the province of (216), there are 3 Commanders, 5 Heavy Infantry, 13 Militias, and 21 Light Infantry. My forces easily rout the enemy with no losses.

I notice that Gramner and Gisli are now in the Hall of Fame. Gramner has acquired Lightning Reflexes and Gisli now has Heroic Precision. I also notice that Freke has been in the Hall of Fame for a while and has Heroic Strength and now has a strength of 43. Dang, that would hurt if you got hit by him. I may have to get him a weapon .

Master Gibur is still employed by Marignon.
Magnus’s Crossbows are recruited by Marignon.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by Vanheim.
Burelk’s City Guard is still employed by C’tis.
The Fishermen are now available, Sho-guu commands 25 men for 120 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon, Py=Pythium

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (32220, 241, 169, 455) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 90/1 (7600, 42, 33, 162) 11 Def
J 6 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10280, 62, 30, 221) 11 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7680, 43, 33, 176) 11 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (11010, 51, 6, 212) 11 Def
J 6 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – 90/4 (7370, 20, 22, 146) 11 Def
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10470, 74, 102, 288) 15 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9530, 54, 31, 200) 11 Def
J 3 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – 70/10 (5850, 23, 34, 122) 11 Def
I 1 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30),20,30 Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
J 6 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9450, 54, 13, 199) 11 Def
I 6 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90, (70),(70),80,70,50,100,70,40,40 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
J 6 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (9330, 52, 96, 290) 21 Def
J 4 (146) Vorgunmarsh – 100/0 (2200, 11, 22, 103) 15 Def
I 0 (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50),(40),(40),(50),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
J 6 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands - 60/14 (3250, 10, 21, 125) 15 Def
Mg ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
Py -3 (136) Toemuck Fen – Swamp
Py -5 (123) Madderein – Swamp
Mg 0 (143) Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Marignon now has 10 Crossbowmen in the province of (143). The Pythium provinces of (136) and (123) appear to be free from military units.

I set the PD of my new province (216) up to 11 and increase the PD of (141) and (146) to 15.

Tredel is my new sage and is 1A. This turn I recruit another sage in (180) and 3 Jotun Spearmen and 1 Jotun Huskarl in (152). Angerboda will move to (152).

I have my first army move from (141) to attack Pythium in (136).

I have my 2nd army move from (216) to attack (205). Erik the Jotun Gode with 2 Spearmen and a Scout also join the fight in (205) from (212). I also have Forsete the Scout move from (146) to (123) to scout into Pythium’s lands.

Wormfriend is my new Bane Lord and he picks up some Winged Shoes and a Pendant of Luck and flies to (180). He will pick up more items in the lab there next turn.

This turn I forge another Wraith Sword and Ring of Regeneration.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Construction with 108 RPs.
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