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Old November 15th, 2004, 05:40 PM
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

Uh oh sudden lack of commentary BUM BUM!

Well in all seriousness for those of you who have been reading this, Does it look like my wrighting style is better as the story developes?
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old November 15th, 2004, 07:12 PM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

Lol, well I'm sure we've all still been reading the stories I continue to think they're great, and one hell of a lot better than what I could do . Personally, I enjoy your writing style (aside from the occaisional spelling/grammar error, and a few run-on sentences )
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".

Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.

Download the Nosral Confederacy (a shipset based upon the Phong) and the Tyrellian Imperium, an organic looking shipset I created! (The Nosral are the better of the two [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Grin.gif[/img] )
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Old November 16th, 2004, 11:00 AM
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

“Today on Icara Imperial News, the 3rd fleet has engaged a task force from the Phong Federation in the Fornax star system, it is this Network’s greatest pleasure to report that the 3rd fleet had an astounding victory over our enemies yet again.” The beautiful young reporter Janet Cranston was one of the most popular state reporters, and the IIN only one of two state permitted news networks so at about this time a night just over half the Icaran twenty billion people were watching.
“Admiral William Ross’ fame continues to grow as he leads the third fleet in multiple victorious engagements against several Phong battle fleets, leading the Fornax system.
Meanwhile in the Mavin Parsis system Admiral Babcock has led the first fleet in a victorious invasion of three of the planets within the system, he reports that our conquest of the Phong is only a matter of time and with the State security brigades taking up position our people will soon be enjoying the resources these conquests can bring in.” Janet stopped talking and looked over to her co-anchor “And now to you Ed”

“Thank you Janet, Riots have broken out in the Pollux system, the former Rebel Alliance citizens of an organization known as the “Citizen Rights Coalition” is leading the rioters against local police forces claiming that their kind is being mistreated by the Imperial government. Admiral Lady Selene Poule of the 2nd fleet is said to be mobilizing her fleet and the 1st Brandenburg regiment for their departure to quell these riots as soon as possible……if the rebels happen to be watching this report it is my recommendation that you surrender peacefully, or you will surely die.” Ed Hanston grimaced.

“In other news, the Icaran Tigers beat the Brandenburg Hornets 20 to 15 in the system wide crossfire tournament…..
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old November 16th, 2004, 12:53 PM

rdouglass rdouglass is offline
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

Renegade 13 said:
Lol, well I'm sure we've all still been reading the stories I continue to think they're great, and one hell of a lot better than what I could do . Personally, I enjoy your writing style (aside from the occaisional spelling/grammar error, and a few run-on sentences )
If you want comments, mine would be identical. Good stuff - keep it coming. I really enjoy it.
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Old November 16th, 2004, 01:09 PM
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

Don't think I'm going overboard on the Icaran's being a non-democratic society do you?

2414.2 Reflection on Victory and Death
The second to Last of the worlds of Mavin Parsis lay before the 1st fleet like a glowing jewel, frail and open for the taking, Mavin Parsis I had fallen the month before and had inflicted 30 kills upon the Icaran army, it had been the most heavily defended and heavily fought for world in Parsis but before the might of the army it was nothing. In that same month Parsis
This world would be even easier to conquer as it was a tiny world compared to the others, at least that is what captain Yu Lin hoped. She had seen her ship pounded into ashes twice, lost over a third of her crew in the battles and still more lay ahead of her and her withered crew, she couldn’t even have her ship re-crewed until they reached Wardo base and could press some of the civilian population there into service.
Hours passed and finally the Batton reached her dropship range and began launching her deadly payload towards the planet’s surface. Lin watched as 396 new energy signatures rippled from the massive troop transport , on their way to yet another glorious victory for the Empire, or at least that’s what the news would say. Any soldier who had actually seen these wars, had seen their friends and subordinates torn to shreds in battle knew that this was far from “glorious” it was grim and gruesome and disgusting, yet it was also necessary because Icara had to rule over humanity and over any other race that stood to threaten them Yu hid her frown beneath her steepled fingers, she was letting herself think grim thoughts again and silently scolded herself for allowing it. Thankfully her ship would not take part in this invasion as this target had no weapon platforms.
“Captain, landings are underway, the regiment reports only light resistance thus far, though a dropship was shot down at the LZ.” Com officer Griffin’s voice snapped Yu’s thoughts right back into the grim dark realm they had been at only a few moments before.
“Thank you Griffin.” Yu barely raised her voice loud enough to be heard as she wished she had just been allowed to fly in and glass the entire world, every Phong world, the yellow bastards had killed her father and millions of Icarans beside and news had reached her that the 3rd fleet had taken a pounding in Fornax and had lost nearly two thousand spacers. Her hands clenched into fists as she set her command repeaters to display the footage being sent up to the flagship by the ground forces.

The invasion only took three hours, Colonel Drago led his regiment against the single dome city of the Phong in a rapid blitzkrieg assault and smashed through the handful of city’s militia like a bowl of eggs crushing every ounce of resistance from the civilian population almost as quickly. Drago sent assault squads down city streets, escorted by tanks and at any sign of resistance they leveled the area with fire destroying entire buildings to kill one sniper, many of the scum actually tried to use the females and children as shields but it did them no good as the Icaran troopers shot through their “shields” without hesitation covering the streets in dead.
Because of the swift brutality of the assault it ended that much sooner, the surviving city elder surrendered his colony to the Icaran Empire and begged mercy be granted to his city, ten Icarans had died in the battle but nearly one thousand times that number died on the Phong side leaving Colonel Drago very satisfied with his men and women.

Yu burned inside, she felt it wasn’t enough, the whole damn race should be exterminated down to the Last yellow bloated headed child.
“Commander Lee, you have the bridge I’ll be in my Day Cabin.”
“Aye ma’am I have the bridge.” Lee’s smart crisp reply barely covered over his surprise at his captain’s sudden withdrawal from the bridge right as the vidstream from the surface showed the victory.

As the doors to her small Day Cabin slid shut Yu pressed the lock button,walked over to her desk and picked up a picture that she still had of Mister Midshipman William Ross, wearing the cadet gray uniform with it’s black epaulettes, and that ugly pisspot hat that cadets wore. She began to wish she was with the 3rd fleet instead of the 1st, Ross had gained such a reputation slaughtering entire fleets of Phong and destroying three Phong worlds outright, all she had done was play target to planetary defense stations and allowed her ship to get the hell beaten out of it so that a bunch of mud crunchers could take a bunch of ugly planets filled with Phong, she respected the army but they just didn’t see the death that had been wrought on her ship by protecting their landings and their "glorious victories" would not bring any of her dead back.
She put the picture aside and sat stiffly on the small couch trying to force herself to relax, once Mavin Parsis was conquered her fleet would be sent to Fornax to join the 3rd fleet in operations against the Phong and then she could finally take part in ship to ship battle like she was born to do and not just play decoy.
Slowly her muscles began to relax as she breathed deeply in a manner taught to her a the academy, Lin felt her eyelids growing heavier and rested her neck against the back of the couch taking a moment to enjoy it's soft warmth, she hadn’t slept in forty hours, not since she had learned that her battered crew was going to be sent into the grinder yet again against the world that had just been conquered and now her body was revolting against her and it felt like so much jellow as she tried to stand, she tried to fight the feeling of exhaustion and was even tempted to take a stim or neural rejuv but finally her eyes slid shut and with a Last contented breath she slipped off to sleep.
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old November 16th, 2004, 06:02 PM

Rasorow Rasorow is offline
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

ooooohhh someone is getting a little obessive.

<wonders how good the Icranian Pyschological Services Minstry is>

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Old November 16th, 2004, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

Great Story. How close is it to the actual game you are playing??

Your thread is the first one I look for..
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Old November 16th, 2004, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

Actually it's remarkably close to the game I'm playing, some of the months I'm not involved in battle are being filled with story elements unrelated to battle but so far just about every month of this past game year I've been engaged in one battle or another agains the Phong.

As for Characters some of their personalities are based on folks I know with some slight changes to personality to fit a militaristic environment.
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old November 18th, 2004, 06:38 PM
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Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

A dagger falls
Captain Yu Lin and her ship had been ordered to separate from the fleet and return for routine repairs at Parsis II’s shipyards, the most immediate concern was the GFGs which had been acting up on them during simulated jumps.
The massive heavy cruiser slid silently into the shipyard slip that had been left open for her at Parsis II, some of her damage scars still stood out on her hull plating, the yard master informed captain Yu that a complete repair would take over two weeks and that the rest of the fleet would have to continue on without her.

Captain Yu sat in her day cabin, quietly reading the reports from the yard hands and sipped a cup of coffee absently as she noted the large numbers of Phong listed on detail to her ship, she would have to order her marines and engineers to inspect any repairs those yellow creeps did on her ship. The com began to buzz and jerked her away from her train of thoughts.
“This is Yu what is it?”
“Captain, Bridge, Governor Fallon wishes to talk to you, ma’am.” The com officer’s report made Yu sit straighter, what would a governor want with her?
“Put it through, thank you.”
“Aye ma’am.”

Governor Fallon’s square jawed face appeared on screen, his grim look and squinted eyes made the hair on the back of Yu’s neck rise.
“How can I help you governor?” She used the same tone she would have used in battle, and her face was almost as expressionless.
“Captain Yu, I would like you and some of your marines to come to the surface this afternoon, I have to discuss something with the Navy, and you are the closest person here that represents any ranking naval officer.” Governor Micha’s voice was tense but the expression on his face was more concerning then anything else.
“Governor what’s wrong?”
“Just come here as soon as possible Captain.” The governor frowned again and cut the channel.

Yu sat stunned for a moment before she tabbed a control on her personal com screen.
“Marine Barracks, Sgt Kemper here.” A young voice replied crisply.
“Sgt Kemper, Captain Yu here, my compliments to Major Hernandez and tell him I need to see him in a quarter of an hour in my briefing room.”
“Aye Ma’am.” Yu could almost feel the marine brace to attention as she cut the channel.

Tabbing another key Yu began to scroll over the readiness loadout of her boat bay, one of her three marine dropships had been destroyed in the Last battle when the boatbay took a direct hit another had been damaged, that left her with a single dropship and four cutters at her disposal. The marine compliment of a heavy cruiser was normally two hundred but with the recent engagements she was down to ninety two combat effective marines with another thirty seven in medical.
She continued to read on the resources she had available to her, but the nagging concern of why the governor would want her and Royal Marines on planet when he had a full brigade of State Security troops haunted her, 500 state security troopers should have most definitely been enough to deal with any local issues.

Fifteen minutes later on the dot Major Hernandez stepped into the briefing room, Sgt Kemper at his side, both marines braced to attention and saluted, Yu returned the salute politely and waved the two men to their chairs.
“Major Hernandez as you may be aware Governor Micha has requested that I go to the surface with a compliment of marines and has been vague on what his reasons for this request are, I have attempted to contact him twice since I sent for you and his office only replies that he is “in conference”.” The marine officer nodded and his Sgt shrugged, “The specific request that I bring marines with me is what has me concerned Major, now perhaps there is nothing to worry about but I’ve never met a Frontier Nobleman that wants his personal space crowded by a Naval officer and a compliment of Marines unless he thinks that his own SS forces are inadequate.” Yu’s matter of fact tone spoke volumes as did her specific use of the term Frontier Noble.
The Icaran Empire was ever expanding these days and it was cleanly divided into “The Frontier” and the “Core Worlds” the Core Worlds held the bulk of he Icaran populace as well as the major military bases and academies within Icaran space, the peace was kept by Local Militia’s, and the Royal Military and most of the nobles enjoyed the military security provided them by their location in the galaxy.
The frontier however was a far less secure place the bulk of the military presence there was mobile with a handful of military shipyards and supply bases scattered throughout, only worlds with such bases had Royal Army presence, the other worlds relied on the State Security Brigades or SSB to the population at large, better known as SS by the military. These units were non mobile, heavy security forces equipped with small artillery weapons, darter rifles and hand guns and class 2 body armor, many of the units that occupied recently conquered worlds also had a number of armored, assault cars in their service, though some nobles paid out of their own pockets to better equip their SS brigades.
Frontier Nobles were very low ranking in the overall standings in the House of Lords and they were also far more independent minded, most of them hated having any military presence in their territory unless it was there to save their noble asses.

Twenty minutes passed as Major Hernandez and Captain Yu discussed the best deployment plans for the marines that were combat ready, she would take 12 marines with her on a cutter, the rest would remain aboard the dropship and the other cutters where they would await her specific order to deploy should the need arise.
After the briefing Yu proceeded to the boatbay with 12 marines that Hernandez had hand picked for her bodyguard the entire unit wore heavy body armor and fully automatic darter rifles, one of them even carried a grenade launcher.

The cutter darted from the bay of Lenin and burned through the atmosphere at 4 gees before breaking just 50 clicks off the surface before coming to a complete hover over the central landing pad in the city.
“Ma’am the launch facility looks empty.” the pilot sounded nervous as he continued to run scans of the landing pad.

“Try contacting air control Pilot” Yu turned to the marines “Alright marines, assume a hot LZ lock and load.” Yu pulled her sidearm holster’s lock open and slid the holster where she could more easily grab the darter pistol she carried.
“Ma’am no contact from Air control, but my scans are showing burn and bLast marks on the pLastacrete around the control tower, wait ma’am receiving a signal, patching it through now.”

“I repeat this is Governor Micha to navy cutter do NOT land in the main pad or you’ll be…” the governor’s voice was suddenly cut off as a missile impacted on the left wing tearing a hole clean through it and sending the cutter spinning out of control. A second missile impact tore off the right wing sending the cutter careening out of control.
“BRACE!” Yu heard the pilot shout and as she saw a building coming up in front of her she barely managed to unhook her straps and throw herself through the hatch leading to the crew compartment, the impact was bone shattering the sound of crunching metal and screaming sound of the sole remaining engine pushing the wrecked cutter further into the building was ear splitting…

After things had finally stopped moving, Lin managed to force herself to her feet “Is anyone there.” the cabin was pitch black and at first she couldn’t hear any noise, then she heard movement and several voices chimed in
“Aye ma’am, we’re here….I’ve got two marines dead though, have you checked on the pilots?” Sgt Kemper turned on his suit light and the shattered remnants of the troop hold revealed a grizzly sight, two armored suits were sprayed with blood and gore, the faceplate of one was torn open by the splintered remnants of a battlesteel beam the other body was just mangled beyond recognition.
“The pilots are dead.” Yu heard a voice behind her and turned to see private McNiel.
“Damn, let’s get the hell out of here before whoever shot us down takes a pot shot at us.” Another marine cut in and was waved back by Kemper.
“He’s right, let’s go.” Yu shook her head at the bodies and stepped over to the shattered remains of the door.
Two marines stepped up and helped her tear the wrecked doors open
A bullet ricocheted off of Yu’s armor and sent her wheeling back through sheer force of impact one of the two marines also took a bullet square in the chest plate and fell to the deck grabbing the rippled piece of armor.
“Sniper! Get back.” Kemper shouted as more bullets tore into through the opened door, Yu rolled out of the way of a stream of bullets and forced herself to her feet the marine that had been hit got to his feet as well.
“Morette, get up here.” Kemper snapped as a large marine stepped forward, he was carrying an M-52 grenade auto-cannon and a bandolier of grenades strung around his chest.

The heavy weapons marine walked forward and leveled his auto-cannon calmly as bullets bounced around him and three rounds even hit him dead on. Seconds later the cannon burped out six shots directly into the building where the snipers had been firing from tearing it apart in a series of explosions.
“Everybody out!” Kemper bellowed as the marines poured past Captain Yu and out into the landing pad, only then did it become apparent just what had happened, at least two dozen SS troopers lay dead on the pad, several civilian workers also lay dead, some butchered terribly.
Yu winced as she saw some of the butchered bodies, a crack bang drew her attention to another building, the sound of several darter auto-rifles split the silent sky in a torrent of darts some of which began bouncing off the marine armor. A marine went down with a scream as blood sprayed from a hole in her armored throat, the scream quickly turned into a gurgling cry before the marine stopped twitching.
“Return fire!” Yu shouted as she lined up her auto-pistol on a figure wearing gray and yellow armor and squeezed the trigger, a small explosion erupted from the figure and it fell back dead, the marine lines erupted in a return fire dropping three more of the attackers before the rest ducked back into cover behind a building.

The sound of darter fire erupted from behind the marines suddenly and another marine went down in a spray of gore and blood as a dart pierced his helmet, the poor marine didn’t even have time to scream as his headless corpse fell limply to the ground. Yu whirled her pistol around and saw a massed formation of armored figures running at her and her marines, she squeezed the trigger twice dropping two more targets before ducking behind the wrecked dropship.

“Follow me marines, Keep Yu between us damn it if she gets hurt your asses are mine!” Kemper shouted as he and three other marines came up in front of Yu and began herding her towards a wrecked building at the closest part of the landing pad.
More darts sang through the air but miraculously none of the marines were killed, though one took an explosive dart in the leg that pierced his armor and tore a gaping hole in his calf.

The marines barely made it into the door before dozens more darts began tearing away at the pLastacrete building. A dart just barely missed Kemper’s face and exploded in a wall painting behind him.
“What’s going on here?” Yu asked no one in particular as she leveled her darter at an armored figure outside, sending a dart screeching into the enemy’s head.
“Ma’am, getting a com signal from Micha.” Corporal Bradley said calmly as the sounds of pLastacrete blowing apart filled the room.
“Captain Yu, he says that there was a Phong resistance cell hiding in the outskirts of the city, by time he mobilized his SS troopers to respond the resistance had already launched their assault on the landing pad and government building. SS brigades are still trying to secure government building and the brigade guarding the landing pad took heavy losses before pulling out.” The Corporal said something into his com and looked over to Yu.
“Corporal ask him if he can get us any reinforcements before we end up like those SS outside.” The Captain said bitterly as she watched another marine take a hit in the shoulder and writhe on the ground before his suit’s medical pack administered painkillers.
“He says he’s already got a brigade inbound but they won’t arrive for another hour because of the street fighting Captain”

“Alright then, I want three marines upstairs and firing out of those windows NOW, Captain please stay back.” Kemper’s voice echoed in the building as another series of rounds tore into the wall.
“Stand easy Kemper I’m not going anywhere.” Yu ducked under the window to reload her darter as another round exploded overhead.
The marines continued firing out the windows while the marines that ran up stairs joined in the fight and poured rounds into the rushing hordes of gray armored figures dropping several of them.

The marines fought of wave after wave of attackers, and two more marines fell to snipers as an hour passed, then two hours and still no reinforcements had come. The Icaran troops were beginning to run low on ammunition and the newest wave of enemies was getting closer to the building where the marines were taking cover in.
Phong resistance troops hammered down the door and rushed into the building with bayonets and force knives, marines and Phong fought hand to hand and blade to blade, Yu slammed her bayonet into the throat of a Phong warrior and threw a kick into the ribs of another Phong warrior and the resounding crack of bones shattering filled the room as the injured warrior dropped.
The whine of darters came from outside the building but the embattled Icarans were too busy fighting for their lives to notice, the marines that had been upstairs raced down and opened fire into the mass of Phong cutting down several of the enemy warriors. The three troopers on the staircase continue to shoot down Phong as their fellow marines continued to beat the enemy back with bayonet and rifle butt.
A marine dropped at Yu’s feet, his faceplate punctured by a Phong bayonet, blood pooled rapidly on the floor making it slick, the Phong that had killed the unfortunate marine leaped over his victim towards Yu but Kemper’s bayonet slammed into it’s side draining the noxious yellow blood from the alien as it hit the floor twitching.

Almost as fast as it had began the attack was over, a wave of black shirted figures charged into the melee and sprayed the Phong warriors with non-explosive darts knocking them down long enough for Marines to bayonet them.
When it was all over an SS trooper wearing the standard black flak armor of his branch walked forward to Captain Yu and braced to attention.
“Ma’am I’m Lieutenant Sharpes 5th State Security brigade Governor Micha has ordered my men to escort you to the government building, as soon as possible.”
“What about my wounded lieutenant?” Yu asked dangerously as the young officer looked around, 3 marines were found dead outside, another four lay dead inside the building and two were badly wounded.
“Captain We can bring them with us but we have to move now! There are more of these “resistance“ troops on the way” The Lieutenant’s tone was pleading and Yu could barely contain the contempt she felt for the man, he was an officer in one of His Majesty’s services yet he was acting like a frightened child, not even waiting for the wounded to be loaded onto stretchers before he started for the door.

“Lieutenant do you mind telling me what the hell happened on this planet, and why you SSBs couldn’t keep the peace by yourselves?” She almost spat the sentence at the young officer who stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her, stunned.
“Captain, there was nothing State Security could do about it, we did not know their numbers or targets, we assigned security where it was most necessary.” The young man turned his back on the captain and began walking down the street again, watching the buildings carefully.
“So Lieutenant instead of dispatching mobile patrols Governor Micha ordered the SS to stay in two! Locations, and dispatched only a single brigade to guard your main landing platform?” Yu felt the rage building in her, the tactical folly was born out of cowardice, government house had four of the five brigades guarding it, while the landing port had one brigade protecting it, and that brigade was ordered to withdraw after barely a half an hour of combat against the resistance cells, and of course they pulled back to government house.

Hours passed before the Icarans reached Government house on foot and Yu had been forced to call down the entire marine compliment of Lenin to pull the marines and SS platoon out of a serious ambush, in the end the marines and SS were able to reestablish control over the city but of the twelve marines that had landed with Yu only four survived, and of the SS platoon that had been sent to escort them, half had died including their Lieutenant.

Yu immediately sent a dispatch to Admiralty requesting a board of inquiry be formed against Governor Micha for his failure to adequately deal with the uprising that had inflicted heavy losses on the civilian workforce and Icaran State Security forces….losses which would not have been so high if Micha had just ordered his men into mobile patrols instead of having them guard his house so tightly while the rest of the city was embattled.

The Last world of Mavin Parsis fell before the vast column of Icaran ground troops, not a single Icaran had died in the invasion, yet the Phong had suffered many thousands of dead, their survivors were forced into the labor camps, the youth were placed in Icaran re-education facilities under the watchful eyes of Imperial teachers and state security troopers.
The heavy cruiser Lenin floated silently in formation with the rest of the parade that was being held for media benefit, her battle scars covered with fresh paint and plating, her half strength crew hidden from the camera drones orbiting the fleet. The public would get their triumph over the conquest of an entire star system by the Icaran Empire, but the military would move on to the next target, their “celebration“ party had been a glass of old champaign for the flag officers in the Admiral’s briefing room aboard Redoubtable.
Yu still had bad dreams about what had happened back on MP two but she was comforted by the fact that the admiralty had dispatched a JAG officer to investigate governor Micha's shortcomings.
The 1st fleet was already headed for Fornax at speed and would arrive at their first target in about eight months, all there was now, was the long wait before the fleet entered the maelstrom once more.

Fornax System
Admiral Ross won yet another victory over a Phong fleet headed to reinforce the Mavin Parsis defenses, the Icaran 3rd fleet killed 10 enemy light cruisers while losing only HMS Farrogot and three hundred of her four hundred man crew.
Ross sent a dispatch to the Admiralty with his after action report requesting that the officers and crew who had died aboard the unlucky destroyer be posthumously awarded the Icaran steel cross for valor and bravery in the face of the enemy.
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old November 18th, 2004, 11:20 PM
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Starhawk is on a distinguished road
Default Re: A new Game story (From the begining)

BTW the "Dagger falls" story was not actually based on anything that happened in game I just ran with a few months of nothing happening

Just for those of you who were wondering why a Heavy Cruiser would be carrying troop units they don't.
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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