
December 11th, 2004, 03:23 AM
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Re: An Inquiry into the Merits of Doom Horrors
Graeme Dice said:
Cainehill said:
I thought you could only wish for Magic Power once, just like Power? If I'd'a thought you could wish for it more often, my sorceress pretender would've had even more obscene magic Ratings in a recent mosehansen game.
You can wish for it as many times as you like, but it will only bring your magic paths up to 10.
Ah - the base magic paths, not counting enhancers. Have to remember that; I got my first wishes ever (MP or SP) within a week of each other in two mosehansen games, one with Caelum and human/immobile pretenders. YellowCactus killed my pretender via that blood corruption spell (5 or 6 hundred astral gems went into the dispel, but failed - worse, I had multiple mere High Seraphs who could have done the dispel instead). I had thought my Powered/Magic Powered Sorceress with loads of artifacts was beefy, but a doom horror killed her for the dispel.
Happily - Twice Born, with a chalice next to the capitol to heal her feeblemindedness when she came back undead. 
Wormwood and wine, and the bitter taste of ashes.

December 11th, 2004, 06:21 AM
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Re: An Inquiry into the Merits of Doom Horrors
Boron said:
The biggest advantage of the doom horror is his high mobility combined with his great built in abilities.
Everything has advantages and disadvantages this makes dominions so great
Agree even more  .
From the non-unique Thugs imo the devil is the best because he only costs 30 blood , has a very good att/def + built in fly / FR . Only the -50% CR hurt + possible use of Flamebeaus/Herald lances against him.
Well, there I disagree. I prefer bane lords
Unit Name Sz HP Prt Mor MR Enc Str Att Def Pre Mv Ldr
Devil x1 3 35 8 30 17 2 14 18 16 12 3/12 25/25
Bane Lord x1 3 42 20 18 16 0 19 14 14 10 3/6 25/125
The key differences being lack of flying, higher price (10D vs 30Blood), but 2 full resistances (CR, PR vs FR, CS), better base equip (so non-full equip is a possibility) Encumberance (this is importnant if fighting stuff like skeletons or false horrors), Strenght (importnant vs high-prot units), and lack of 4 attack and 2 def.
Many SCs have only 2 attacks / turn so they are really often easily immobilized by lots of false horrors / skeletons .
Long weapons and attack help immensely vs this, if you manage to repel a false horror, it dies. So, burning pearl and a long enouh weapon it is.
There is just no "optimal" choice in dominions like cataphract bowmen / cataphract elephants in Rome TW e.g.

December 11th, 2004, 09:49 AM
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Re: An Inquiry into the Merits of Doom Horrors
Tuna said:
From the non-unique Thugs imo the devil is the best because he only costs 30 blood , has a very good att/def + built in fly / FR . Only the -50% CR hurt + possible use of Flamebeaus/Herald lances against him.
Well, there I disagree. I prefer bane lords
Unit Name Sz HP Prt Mor MR Enc Str Att Def Pre Mv Ldr
Devil x1 3 35 8 30 17 2 14 18 16 12 3/12 25/25
Bane Lord x1 3 42 20 18 16 0 19 14 14 10 3/6 25/125
The key differences being lack of flying, higher price (10D vs 30Blood), but 2 full resistances (CR, PR vs FR, CS), better base equip (so non-full equip is a possibility) Encumberance (this is importnant if fighting stuff like skeletons or false horrors), Strenght (importnant vs high-prot units), and lack of 4 attack and 2 def.
Good post Tuna  .
The big disadvantage with the banelord for me is though his undeadness . Dust to dust + Wither bones will make dust of him unfortunately rather easy , to a lesser extent the same with solar rays .
Once the enemy has a staff of storm the Banelord is imo really screwed with his then really slow movement .
Already earlygame the banelord is kinda screwed against any nation with air or nature mages who have death as well .
So ctis , jotunheim and machaka especially can give the banelord a great threat early with the eagle eye + dust to dust combo .
Earlygame though your bigger mobility is an advantage and the enemy can't protect all his provinces with 1-2 mages .
But in mid - lategame in bigger battles the banelords are very likely to get killed by wither bones and similiar while these spells don't work against a devil thug .
Are there any other good non-unique summonable thugs/scs ? Tartarians are excellent but only if you have GoH or the Chalice .

December 11th, 2004, 02:44 PM
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Re: An Inquiry into the Merits of Doom Horrors
Is there a list somewhere of what codes you should type for the wish spell. e.g. to get gems do I just type the name of the gems I want such as "nature" ?

December 11th, 2004, 03:22 PM
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Re: An Inquiry into the Merits of Doom Horrors
Sunray has a list on his site, www.freewebs.com/dominions IIRC. It should turn up with google if that is not the right address, though.

December 11th, 2004, 03:22 PM
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Re: An Inquiry into the Merits of Doom Horrors
Sunray has a list on his site, www.freewebs.com/dominions IIRC. It should turn out with google if that is not the right address.

December 11th, 2004, 03:53 PM
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Re: An Inquiry into the Merits of Doom Horrors
It would be www.freewebs.com/dominions2 The old site for Dominions PPP was with his own name, so www.freewebs.com/sunraybe
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