I have made a java program that can do the following chances: read given file, copy it to a new file and while doing so change
- all #selectnation -tags to point at spesific nation
- spells' owners to the same X, if #researchlevel is immediately after #school -2
- remove national spells of the nation that is replaced
This will work with the mods I have done as well as most other mods which have only one nation in them.
The bad news is that the program has no user interface, yet.
I know how I want it to be, but I'm not very good at creating it. My holidays will start in a few days, so you might get present sometime soon...
The program can be made to an applet after I finish it, and the text that woulb be inside the .dm can be given as text so as to make it easy to copy it to a .dm, but I don't think applet can create proper .dm file. It might even be possible to make the program edit the name and banner of the mod, but that will take more time if it will be done at all.
Can .java source be compiled to an .exe or something other self-working? I can only compile it to a .class file that needs Java something kit 1.5.0, 90 megs of download.
After that shameless advertisement I hope someone still is interested in my Nation Replica Mod, and wants to upload it to his/her/His/Her page. I'm afraid it will vanish as soon as this thread falls out of the front page...