Steerpike said:
No I sill think my Biggest mistake was dying with too many gems, relying on my SC's too much. A horde of cheap summons like vinemen, claymen, mechanical men etc would have made a big difference.
And Lastly the reason I attacked Caelum, Pan was because of my paranoia about invasion.
You die an learn.
Of the mentioned summons only the mech men has a small chance against the devil imo .
Compared to a devil expect the vine ogre none of the summons is cheap though .
Panther has surely at least 100 blood / turn , rather 200 / turn or maybe even 300 .
Basically creaturewise other blood summons are your best bet against devils though .
FoDs , Storm demons and maybe demon knights could defeat devils .
To keep them at bay long enough only mechanical men and iron dragons are probably reliable , and other highprotection stuff . The other highprotection stuff is rather useless though if the attacker uses lots of firemagic as well which he probably does .
Your BoW is good against devils as well of course .
Even your strong jotunheim troops get slaughtered by devils easy though :
A devil has 92,9% hitting chance against a niefel giant .
Only your jotun hirdman with def 12 has a 1 higher def.
There the hitting chance is still 89,8% though .
With his main attack ( trident ) the devil does 14 + 7 +2d6 oe damage . Your niefel giant has only 15 protection .
That results in an average damage of 6.43 hp per hit .
Vs a hirdman the devil has 3.99 average damage .
So in average one devil does ~6 hp damage to a niefel giant per battle turn and ~3,6 hp damage to a hirdman .
Vice versa a niefel giant/hirdman does ~2,25 hp damage to devil per battle turn .
That was for unblessed niefel giant . With a good bless you can shift the numbers a bit in favour of the niefel giant . But it is not that dramatic . Without any blesses the niefel giant likely looses even against a single devil , with good blesses he still can't win against more then 2-3 devils .
Any fodder like claymen or vinemen would survive only 1 turn in average against one devil , so it would be literally useless .
So unless you have big superiority in numbers or really really awesome battlefield buffs all your troops expect the ones mentioned at the beginning of my post will die quickly against devils unless they have big superiority in quantity .
That leads to the next problem : Panthers devils swarm you and his SCs then easily hit you .
Even without SCs if your SCs don't have really good protection or are etheral + lucky you are in slight trouble :
Vs. 25 protection a devil still scores 0.754 avg. damage per hit . 16 devils can surround a SC at maximum . Thnx to swarming defense doesn't protect you against that so unless you are lucky , have mirror images or etheralness at least 10 devils will almost 100% sure hit you every battle round .
So even against plain devils with 25 protection you will suffer ~7,5 hp average damage per battle round .
The 7,5 hp average damage can be in one round 0 damage , but in the next 25 damage etc. because one devil makes a really good dice roll etc. .
Good counters that come to my mind include all a staff of storms .
Then either heavy use of air (wrathful skies , thunderstrike , shimmering fields ) or water magic ( frozen heart , falling frost , niefel flames ) .
Another possiblity is a good SC + storm demons/mech men/iron dragons .
Unfortunately i think you were lacking most of those combos because of lack of good air mages .
Abysia is one of the nations which are very good against jotunheim .
In that view i think you did more damage to panther than he or i would have assumed . So you succeeded

You had just bad luck to start with one of your anti-nations as neighbour . For panther that would have been neighborhood with ermor/pan cw .