Bannon said:
6) Not a question, but a comment -- I love those Wights. They look like a pack of Jedi Knights fighting their way through a crowd. I spearheaded a group of them agaist an Ermor horde. Unstoppable! I wonder how they would do against flesh and blood enemies with their Bane Blade.
Thanks for any help! Looking forward to getting better and playing MP.
In SP the wights are great

In MP they get instantly whipped by holy pyre , wither bones , dust to dust etc. .
I made this painful experience in one of my first MP games after using the wights and ghosts and vampires excessevely in SP

Don't get frustrated if you get rulored in your first few MP games badass . This is just normal in Dominions and makes it so great

I play it now since 9 Months and about 6 Months in MP and i still always invent new Strats and Tactics

Only the Paradoxgames are equal in deepness and longtime motivation with dominions