Just wondering how you create a scenario
I create a scenario is as follows:
1) Come up with an idea for one (the hard part)
2) Make and adjustments to the datafiles as nessesary (and zip it up as a mod)
3) Start a game of SE4, and take control of all of the players. (Quick and easy part)
4) Play each race to the point where the scenario begins. (The long, boring part)
-<Save Often!!!>-
5) Once everything is set up just right, turn on all the AIs (if applicable), and save once more.
6) Copy the savegame to the scenario folder, and create a description.
7) Post the scenario (savegame + description) (and the mod, if required)
Some tips:
-For starting with fancy, unresearched tech ships (eg. everybody starts with a dreadnaught, but hasn't researched Frigates yet), make an extra superrace, which will research, build and gift the ships to each of the races. At the end, have the super race scrap all ships and abandon all planets (destroying them)
-USE The Map Editor! You can set start positions and give things crazy properties, such as a black hole effect (the pulling, and not the crushing) in normal star systems.
Even write your name with stars in the corner of the galaxy!
-Players want to start with their choice of 25 tech levels? easy to do... just play the first 25 turns or so just doing research, no building.
Save often! You really do not want to have to go back and play 100 turns over again. If you're giving one player super techs, it can take a long time. I highly reccommend the autosave feature.
Hope this helps at least a little
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