Given all the recent issues I have had with one web hosting I decided to bite the bullet and set up a new, and hopefully much more permenant, web site. is now on line and although it currently will direct you back to it won't for long.
I have some upgrades to make to the web files and once they are ready will be the new home of the Star Trek Mod for SEIV.
As for the Star Trek Mod for SEV, well all I can say is that there are many people who have stated an interest to do this. Modeling ships for SE V is going to be the major issue and one that kinda depresses me to think about. I hope to be able to contribute to the SEV Star Trek Mod effort, but if there is more than one mod being made, my efforts will be reduntant and thereby pointless. Best leave the modding to those who know how to do so.
I will continue to support the STM for SEIV with a new update slated for release sometime in June.