Power Game VI: Capture the Flag
From the original game: We've all done it at least once, set up a game with 5000 racial points and other settings just to kick the crap out of the AI. But how well would you fare against other human players that have done the same thing?
May’s game is all about capturing and holding a target planet. The map will be completely custom and visible to all. Each player will start with a huge homeworld in a stack of six huge worlds. The warp point into and out of this system will be part of this stack. Once you leave your home system you will enter the “Field” which will have warp points to all of your opponents in one sector and to the Flag system on the opposite side of the system. What this means is that if you have a ship over your homeworld you can be over one of your opponents’ homeworlds with only two movement points so plan your defense accordingly. The Flag system will contain a sphereworld and the referee’s (me) homeworld. You must capture and hold the Flag planet for 20 turns (the turn of capture does not count.) The referee is there only for observation and to keep track of time. The referee will announce to all players when a player enters the flag system and when a player captures the Flag as well as the number of turns held. Needless to say, don’t attack the ref!
Rules for empire creation:
5000 racial points
You must choose Rock/Oxy as your planet type and atmosphere.
There will be no: Intel, Mines, or Stellar Manipulation
You’ll start with the one good homeworld and 100,000 bonus.
All worlds will be resource rich, which has become a trademark of the series. The idea behind this is to eliminate economic problems from the equation and allow you to concentrate on other things.
The whole idea behind the Power Games is to create games that new players can jump into and have a good time while giving experienced players a change of pace from the average game. The settings I've chosen for these games tend to level the playing field a bit but you still need to be at your best.
Some general rules: Please, no pre-arranged alliances. Make sure you can accept e-mail from gmail (bounced e-mails drive me insane!

) If you miss the first turn you will be kicked from the game. If you miss more than three turns in a row you will be kicked from the game (I would expect the same of any game I'm in, it's only fair to the other players.) If you need an extension of the turn deadline e-mail me, I'm very easy to get along with. Most important - Have a good time!
I’ll be starting this game May 1st and you must have your empire file uploaded by April 25th. The game will close to new players then to allow me time to finish the map.
On to the settings!
Turn duration: 48 hours
Starting resources: 100000
Starting planets: 1
Home planet value: Good
Score display: All
Technology level: low
Racial points: 5000
Number of players: up to 10
Quadrant type: Custom
Quadrant size: N/A
Event frequency: None
Event severity: N/A
Technology cost: low
Victory conditions: Holding the Flag for 20 turns or last man standing.
Maximum units: 20000
Maximum ships: 20000
Computer players: None
Computer difficulty: High (in case we lose a player)
Computer player bonus: None
Neutral empires: No
Other game settings: As above
Also, if anyone has any suggestions for the Power Games please feel free to post here.