Claudio said:
First of all sorry for my bad English.
Second THANKS for the great game!
At last i found a strange oddity in East Germany OOB...but i haven't any knowledge of the matter...i was just thinking. Since 1973 East Germany fields T-72. Its gun, in the game is the "125mm D81T 83"; now...how the name says it's a gun first used in 1983, in fact it's the same gun of the T-72M, the newer version of the tank, available from 1986. Then it has the same capabilities of the "125mm Gun 83" used by Russian T-72BV and T-80B. All the others features of the E.Germany T-72 are the same of Russian T-72, only the gun is different. So really had the Germans a better gun of the Russian 10 years earlier? It's a my mistake or something is wrong?
Thanks again...i hope everything is clear...
Hi Claudio,
Congrats for the accuracy
You should try to import the Russian "125mm Gun 70" from oob 11 (weapon slot 123), which equips early Soviet T-72.
It has sabot pen=42 and sabot range=48, well uner the model 83.
Copy that into theEast German OOB, in, say, weapon slot 100, and correct the original T-72.
Anyway there are a number of inaccuracies in the East German OOB as yet, some items are even lacking.
If you read German you could find some info there: