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July 27th, 2005, 03:43 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
Here are another two interesting sites showing the effects, not as detailed as the one previously posted though.
Fallout calculator, concerning the latest "bunker buster" type bombs.
The other http://www.fas.org/main/content.jsp?...&contentId=367
Details outcome in selected US cities.
On another note, years ago, I read a book called Nuclear war:effects and outcomes (or something like that) it totally terrified me! Didn`t understand alot of the science, But i got the general impression of the effects.
It offered several scenarios of a "limited" strike in Europe and its effects.

July 27th, 2005, 05:49 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
I don't want to so down and preach about nuke weapons but my father spent his time in the US Army riding these weapons around the US. He was a MP at Sandia Base (now Sandia Labs) and he told me about what went on. I then took up a study of nuclear weapons and their effects. He was also at a couple of troop tests and guarded the test areas also.
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July 27th, 2005, 05:50 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
I read the essay by Stuart Slade and agree about the Strategic outcome of a nuke exchange.
However in a tactical framework the use of a Davy Crockett type weapon at the lowest setting will indeed have a small footprint but really only kill a plt or so. You will get a lethal dose (800 rem) at 350 meters (not knell over now dead) and will that will take some time) and outside that area you will be sick and suffer temporary immune system suppression. So it is really a point attack weapon instead of an area effect weapon. You need to use a larger setting to get the desired yield to get the effect needed to make an area unusable to an enemy. The Russians did also have those liners in their tanks and APC’s; those are only good for cutting down the exposure when crossing over the area. If the area was radiated at 800 rem or more they will still get a lethal dose. The Russians would try to go around areas of high radiation to protect their troops. Their best use would have been at bridges and crossroads to impend the movement of enemy mechanized forces.
The fact that the US Army wanted 115,000 nuclear weapons for it use in the defense of Europe will tell you something about how little anyone knew about the affect of nuclear war. Of course that was using those weapons on someone else’s country and not here. We deployed about 2000 203mm nuclear shells as well as Pershing missile, Lance tactical missiles, and SADM’s just for the Army. That doesn’t include the USAF or US Navy nuclear weapons. Add the British, French and Soviet weapons into the total it could have be a very bad and lethal battlefield.
I for one am glad all sides were not as crazy as we accused the other of being.
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July 27th, 2005, 05:50 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
The use of nuclear weapons would have been in the first strike and I would recommend the Soviet Air land Battle Tactics by William P. Baxter as a good read about Soviet Tactics. There are other books to read but that’s a good overview of how the Soviet army works
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July 27th, 2005, 05:51 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
To play an after nuke strike battle would have a map with no bridges, roads torn up and town ruined. Lower you vision since that equipment would have been damaged and lower troop morale a lot.
Age and treachery will always beat youth and skill

July 27th, 2005, 05:52 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
Mark Sheppard said actually; nukes won't kill everyone. And I didn’t mean right now. I mean the after effects and the breakdown of our society and its way of life. Really how many city dwellers could survive by growing their own food and making their own shelter?
I know how to grow food and build but when my AC went out the other day I suffered and knew what to do but can’t comprehend what the clueless would do. That is given also I believe that the essay by Stuart Slade that was mentioned earlier is correct.
The destruction of the means of treatment of the injured, feeding the hungry and housing the homeless would mean an end to what we know.
Also the Soviets would have thrown their spare nukes at other counties also to protect their survivors from any undamaged nations who might want to grow at their expense.
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July 28th, 2005, 05:16 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
Just a thought, but most if not all modern armies have two levels of tactical seperation between elements, nuke and non-nuke. Knowing that a situation might go nuke would encourage commanders to utilize the wider seperations. Just as a realism factor. Especially on the larger maps.

July 29th, 2005, 05:38 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
I remember an old board game that had the best "nuke" rule I'd seen. Basically it was ....
"take a can of lighter fluid, and apply to all maps and counters. Step back. Apply flame. Best if "nucular" scenarios are played outside."

July 29th, 2005, 05:48 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
What I would treasure seeing in a strategy game, particularly in a Cold War context, is a (protected) "Doomsday Switch" which you could activate to shift from conventional to all-out WMD engagement, of course without hope of going back...
With a huge point penaty for the first player who would open-mindedly "go nuclear" to save his face...
Nah, just dreaming, I wouldn't even consider modelling the precise efects of a tactical nuke in a tactical game...

July 29th, 2005, 07:30 PM
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Re: Tactical or normal nuke modelling
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