Not sure if this has been talked about before, I've
read "almost" everything in here now... ^^
I was thinking about having greater controll
over the troops formation. Being able to choose
different formations such as "V" -formation, or "U"
-formation would be cool. Also adding different
strengths/weaknesses with the formations so if;
a mounted troop in "V" -formation storms
straight into a troop with pikemens lined up in "U"
-formation the result would be devestating for the
cav. Since the pikemens has the range and are surr-
ounding the cav. (Weaponlength is allready a factor
in the game though.)
If the pikemens where in "|" -formation they would
be splittered by the cav, diveded into two groups,
easaly slaughtered by the cav.
- As it is now you often just put your big heavy army
at the front with "fight closest enemy" selected.
(And perhaps some of the fireing units.)
As I see it, the battles should be a bit more complex.
Also increasing the "flanking" possibilitys would
make the battle really exciting.
- Fast units far up or far down on the battlefield
with "fight rearmost" often tend to run into the
middle to early.
All troops take up grids, the bigger the troop the more
space is required, what about being able to change
that square?
If you want just 2 lines of units in depth but perhaps
15 units in height or viseversa.
Let's say you have 30 units, size 5 with the "trample"
ability, (troglodytes huh? ^^) and you're about to attack
a minor province with 50 barbarians, granted it's pretty
obvious that you would win. But having the units in one
line or two might be even better at this point.
The "stealthy" units could get really resourcefull
at this point. Having a scout with you could imply
benefitial information about your opponents lineup.
Thus helping you with your formationsetup.
Ok, hopefully this evolves into something awesome.