To be honest with you I have never heard of your mod, prior to posting the thread and Fyron enlightened me. I do apologize for the name, it just sounded cool as an aberration and it never occurred to me that it would be plagiarizing another mods name. This will make twice now that I have accidentally used another mods name and I do sincerely apologize to you over my transgression.
Expanded is the name I am going with and not ExMod (Extra Mod) as yours is named.
Honestly I am not out to steal your thunder or mod name. It is just a very freak and bizarre coincidence.
Your mod and this one, albeit very close in name, are really two different mods. This mod is just an enhanced version of stock utilizing the best of FQM Standard with the TDM AI and new events coupled with the ship hull sizes for Neo-standard.
Your mod makes changes to the game play that alters the game significantly enough to classify it as a full-fledged mod.

Reading your description about the ExMod peeks my curiosity as to why you did not keep it current. It really sounds like a *****en mod.
Any ways I have changed the name to just Expanded. As In Space Empires Expanded, which fits the concept for this mod. I do hope that this is ok, and I will also, in the next version, incorporate a link to your site in the credits.