
September 6th, 2005, 11:42 AM
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Re: B5 MOD General
Great work Grumbler!
As soon as I find time (a scarce comodity these days  ). I'll start working on the specialization of the weapons. And again I say you've done a great job, top notch! 
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September 6th, 2005, 12:46 PM
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Re: B5 MOD General
There is one thing I hate on weapons. They are Big. You can put only one or two per ship.

September 6th, 2005, 03:08 PM
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Re: B5 MOD General
That did seem to be the B5 way. A couple of big main guns and more secondary batteries. Or that's the way the battles seemed to play out in the episdoes. 
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September 13th, 2005, 09:15 PM
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Re: B5 MOD General
Yes, the weapons are designed for 2 primaries per ship, plus secondaries on larger ships and PD mounts on all ships designated "heavy" (Heavy Destroyer, etc). You can think of each as being a weapons system that has several facings (since ship facing has no meaning in the game). I given laser mount in this mod, for instance, just represents a laser that can fire on the target given the firing ship's facing, as well as the one or two or three others that cannot come to bear.

September 17th, 2005, 08:54 AM
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Re: B5 MOD General
Oh, and if anyone is actually playing this mod, they will note that I redid the satellites rather significantly, reducing them to about a fifth of their former size (so they are like other units, not the size of small ships) and making their mounts reduce damage approximately by 1/4, then making sats easier to hit. I was trying to get that "hordes of satellites" feel we saw in the show.
I am not sure that this does not make them a bit too weak given the leaky armor system. If anyone IS playing, I would appreciate feedback.

September 17th, 2005, 10:25 AM
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Re: B5 MOD General
Ok. Weapons have couple mainguns and some secondaries. But I want realistic. Like Olympus Corvet
weapon: 4 Pulse Cannons
2 Twin Particle Beams
2 Long Range Rail-Guns
4 Missile Racks - 20 per.
defense: 1.8 meter armored hull - 4 Mk. I Defense Grid Energy Projectors
If iI remeber right It is 200kt.
Or let say Nova Destroyer
22 Twin Plasma Cannons
6 Particle Beam Guns
Fusion missiles [2 launchers]
defense: 8 to 10 meter armored hull - 22 Mk. II Defense Grid Energy Projectors
If could get even half of that armament.
I took those ships cause they are quite small. And almost every ship have hangars.

September 17th, 2005, 04:46 PM
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Re: B5 MOD General
Personally, I do not see the benefit to being able to add 30 or 50 guns to a ship design. That's just a hell of a lot of clicks during design and really slow combat replays (and tactical combat) to deal with for very little gain. Now, 1 weapon per ship is probably not good either. Stock has it at a decent amount, ranging from 3 to 7 weapons on most hull sizes.

September 17th, 2005, 05:31 PM
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Re: B5 MOD General
I din´t mean tha t30 or 50 gons. I mean more than 1 or 2.

September 19th, 2005, 10:30 PM
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Re: B5 MOD General
Zaamon said:
Ok. Weapons have couple mainguns and some secondaries. But I want realistic. (snip)
I pointed out some time ago that my mod was not based on B5wars, which I don't have, but rather on the TV show, modified to fit the game's format.
Feel free to change around weapons to your heart's content. The best way to do so is probably by making new weapons mounts just like the engine mounts, based on hull size, and fractioning the weapons as they exist. Then you can easily adjust based on experience without having to do a lot of cutting and pasting in the massive components file.
My goal was a playable mod, not a perfect or "final" one. I am, in fact, having to tweak the AIs a bit (partially to make them build more BSYs and partially to plug some holes I left in AI_Research). The components I will pretty much leave to others to refine.

September 30th, 2005, 07:52 PM
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Re: B5 MOD General
Just curious; is anyone actually playing this mod except me?
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