New Game On PBW: Ourgon
This game creation comprises what I've learned from having done admin two times before. It requires a certain amount of dedication from you, yet you will be rewarded with (hopefully) fast turns, the AI being unable to screw up your empire if you miss one turn, and no surrenders that all to often unbalance games.
Starting resources: 100000
Starting planets: 1
Home planet value: Average
Score display: Own
Technology level: Low
Racial points: 5000
Quadrant type: Galactic Edge
Quadrant size: Large
Event frequency: Medium
Event severity: Catastrophic
Technology cost: Medium
Victory conditions: 300% of second place player
Maximum units: max
Maximum ships: max
Computer players: none
Other game settings:
Players/max: 15
Turn duration: 24 hours
Turn automation: Fully automatic turns
SE4 Version: v1.41 + No AI Mod
Apart from that:
- no surrender;
- everone agrees not to use intel until the new patch comes out;
- no standard Messages (this does not necessarily mean role-playing, just be creative!);
- everyone who misses three turns in a row without notifying me will be kicked.
We'll start October 9th, maybe sooner (depends on how fast players join).
Have fun,