Zooko said:
A big difference between this 7-player graph and the 5-player case is that in the 5-player (pentagram) game, you are always your enemy's enemy.
Yes, and my intention was the following:
I want a game where everybody is at war with everybody else. There shouldnt be much time for building up an army and then just steamrolling without a good fight. Furthermore eliminating three nations seemed difficult to me in a 7 player game, so I was stuck with 2 goals.
So I decided to decouple the goals: Everyone must defend against two nations, but this isnt his topmost priority. Even worse, should he cripple one of his attackers, someone else will win (there is always someone who has those two attackers by design). So that means that there are no likely allies around -
No FRIENDS! -, but nevertheless one should better hurry up to see that the right nations are killed, since it is likely that someone wins as soon as the second nation gets wiped out!
Maybe having three goals set is also feasible for a vicotry condition: So one nation has to kill three others, and the remaining three will try to kill this nation:
A - B,C,D
B - C,D,E
C - D,E,F
D - E,F,G
E - A,F,G
F - A,B,G
G - A,B,C
(i.e. every nation needs to kill the next three on a circle, yielding the 7-symmetrical complete graph on 7 vertices).
This seems to guarantee even more trouble, but on the other hand, this victory condition imposes a not so immediate danger of fullfillment, while already suggesting alliances with the two neighbors on the circle who share the goal by 2/3 (whereas the previous chart didnt suggest any alliances, at least none that I could spot), which in turn greatly depends on the starting positions within the map (i.e. am encircled by my two likely allies, or they far or near...).
BTW: these charts shall not prohibit alliances nor wars at all - its just the victory condition...