
October 24th, 2005, 11:50 AM
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The Tome v2.0 available - updated attachment
Version 2.0 of The Tome is now available for download. Horst has been very hard at work and added a TON of information. So he should be credited with most of what you see that is new. Including -
~ Castle information/stats and the ability to plug in nations and castle types to see defense info and number of defensive shots per round
~ Expanded pretender info/stats and the ability to enter desired attribute numbers and instantly see the three least expensive nation/pretender combinations needed to achieve those attributes.
PS - it is a known issue that Edi has updated the UnitDB and those changes have not yet been reflected here. Posting this now, though incomplete, is for two reasons. First to keep ahead of the Dom3 rush, and secondly because Horst and I felt that the castle and pretender calculators could be of use now rather than waiting for us to update the unit info.
updated the attachment with a .rar containing edits, and both .xls and open office versions.

October 24th, 2005, 02:29 PM
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Re: The Tome v2.0 available
The Tome is very useful.
My thanks to all the people involved in making it!

October 24th, 2005, 07:44 PM
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Re: The Tome v2.0 available
Now available on Arryn's site, too. Thanks Arryn!

October 24th, 2005, 08:28 PM
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Re: The Tome v2.0 available
Does the spells section also contain the globals?

October 25th, 2005, 05:05 AM
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Re: The Tome v2.0 available
Yes, it's just been quicksorted to show combat spells by default. Select the dropdown menu and select "all" to see everything and "Ritual" to see the global and other overland spells.
By the way, not to sound like a grouch, but the credits page has its alignment screwed up so everyone is credited with wrong things. I'm credited with the Spell DB, which I most certainly have not done, Alneyan gets credit for Arryn's site and so forth. Looks like the name list starts one row too early or something.
You also have some misspellings (example as exemple, missiles as missls and strength as strenght), but nothing major. You can get rid of those simply by enabling spellchecking and taking a look at where it throws the red lines.

October 25th, 2005, 07:06 AM
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Re: The Tome v2.0 available
Is it compatible with open office?
I've tried the pretender tab with open office and it didn't work well.

October 25th, 2005, 08:18 AM
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Re: The Tome v2.0 available
No idea. I use Open Office myself (v2.0, not the earlier one), but I haven't tried to use the Tome. Just took a quick look at it today. It's entirely possible it will only work properly in MS Office, because the MS Office suite has all kinds of proprietary crap embedded into the file formats themselves and probably also into the way macros and whatever else are implemented.
A good illustration is the Units & Equipment DB, the Open Office 2.0 version is only about 192 kB (183 plus disk space extra), while the MS Office version, which was saved from the exact same file with just a file format change, is a monstrous 928 kB (919 kB + disk space extra). In other words, it takes almost five times as much space and has nothing more in the contents. There's 700 kB of bloatware crap, incompetent file formatting and general wastefulness in that.
Just try and imagine what something like the Tome entails. Usually a good rule of thumb is that if it was done natively in Open Office, it works in MS Office, but not necessarily the other way around. The basics do, but more complex things run into the intentionally built proprietary incompatibility barriers Microsoft likes to put in all of its products to prevent them from working properly with anything but MS software.

October 25th, 2005, 11:21 AM
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Re: The Tome v2.0 available
I can't speak for Horst, but I know that I've been working straight out of MS Office. Sorry if that has created a problem for folks. I'll look into Open Office for future releases.

October 25th, 2005, 01:59 PM
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The Tome v2.0 available (open office version)
Hi all,
i finished the open-office version and sent it to daesthai in the hope that he will attach it to the first posting of this thread. Please note that the new open office version 2.0 is needed.
The open-office version has a minor flaw compared with the excel-version:
In the pretender sheet it is necessary to set the magic skill autofilter (the yellow cells) *again* after you changed the nation autofilter (the "x"). Else, the "three cheapest Pretender ranking" is not recalculated.
I'm sorry that i could not do better, it has something to do with the part-result/autofilter function.
As Edi pointed out, the Open Office version saves a lot of disk space: 348 kb versus 1.8 Mb !

October 25th, 2005, 02:09 PM
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Re: The Tome v2.0 available
Edi said:
By the way, not to sound like a grouch, but the credits page has its alignment screwed up so everyone is credited with wrong things. I'm credited with the Spell DB, which I most certainly have not done, Alneyan gets credit for Arryn's site and so forth. Looks like the name list starts one row too early or something.
Actually, the two columns are separate from each other. People were thanked for several reasons, some for documents they wrote, some for simply helping out or offering testing/suggestions. Then the documents referenced were listed separately. I'll try to dress it up to make that fact more obvious. I'll probably just put one over the other rather than side-by-side.
Edi said:
You also have some misspellings (example as exemple, missiles as missls and strength as strenght), but nothing major. You can get rid of those simply by enabling spellchecking and taking a look at where it throws the red lines.
Thanks. I'll adress those once I'm home from work.
As for the open office version, I'll post that once Horst and I can address some of these edits - so later tonight, early tomorrow.
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