Annette said:
JohnHale said:
or does it have to be patched after purchase?
The CD version does need to be patched.
It is a sign of great marketing and planning.
To actually incorporate patches [2.0 to 2.51 to x.ab]
into the base CD with each new CD batch creation.
[or the patches themselves].
When SP came out in versions 1, 2, 3, there was only a
limited amount of updating the CD's before putting them
back into circulation as later editions.
It would be cool to be able to purchase SPMBT at any point
in the future X*Y years and to be guarranteed an up to date program/game.
I don't recall ever enjoying playing a buggy game day-in, day-out. Knowing that a game is buggy and not debugged also diminishes the lustre of having given or having received a really neat gift!!!!!!!!
Please don't stop!